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What do you miss the most?

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    Originally posted by Ozzigirl View Post
    Naww, 6 months is special Awesome! That's so soon
    Yeah, I see. My bf doesn't speak German either, he knows a bit of the language but he'll learn it he learns fast. I knoww I personally love Australia, I just hate the fact that everything is so far away from the rest of the world, that majorily sucks! And when are you moving? How old are you, like are you still studying or so?
    I might move in 2 years. I have to finish my language school "Dolmetscherschule" first. And then I will have to see how the whole "applying for a visa" goes... so will your SO move to Germany then?


      Originally posted by maja View Post
      i miss falling asleep in his arms. Makes me so sad every night when i have to go to sleep on my own i miss how he whispers i love you in my ears when im half asleep
      and i miss his smell so mich and i just miss a simple hug
      Yeah, me too I feel with you!
      "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."


        Originally posted by NaNi View Post
        I might move in 2 years. I have to finish my language school "Dolmetscherschule" first. And then I will have to see how the whole "applying for a visa" goes... so will your SO move to Germany then?
        Ah ok, so it's not like uni but like 'Fachoberschule'. Am I right there? :s Hopefully applying for a visa in NZ won't be as complicated, hard and expensive like in Oz, it's just crazy there.. but good luck for it So, you're in a LDR for 2 more years then?
        Yeah, I think so, like it's not entirely sure yet, but I think so, I hope so! after those 4 years of uni we'll probably go back to Sydney, I think.
        "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."


          And lol, I started the thread and didn't even say what I miss most with my bf. So here it goes:

          I miss most: just being with him, holding his hand, walking with him around the city for hours, just talk for hours about anything, him kissing me while we walk, him putting his arms around me while walking, making out with him and all the physical stuff, hugging him, cuddling with him in bed, watching movies at night in bed and cuddling together while watching the movie, laughing about stuff together, teasing each other, having breakfast together, driving with him in his car anywhere and just listen to music and look at each other while doing so, going to parties with him and being at his side, sleeping with him in one bed next to him coz it's just the most comfortable feeling in the world, his lips on mine and so much more, simply everything... <3 Love and miss him so much..
          "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."


            Originally posted by Ozzigirl View Post
            Ah ok, so it's not like uni but like 'Fachoberschule'. Am I right there? :s Hopefully applying for a visa in NZ won't be as complicated, hard and expensive like in Oz, it's just crazy there.. but good luck for it So, you're in a LDR for 2 more years then?
            Yeah, I think so, like it's not entirely sure yet, but I think so, I hope so! after those 4 years of uni we'll probably go back to Sydney, I think.
            Yes, for two more years. Hopefully not longer. It all depends on how the visa thing goes really. If that is all set... there's nothing holding us back! Well, having a bit of money would be good too I guess. Gnah...
            Ah, I see! Good luck to you too then!


              Originally posted by NaNi View Post
              Yes, for two more years. Hopefully not longer. It all depends on how the visa thing goes really. If that is all set... there's nothing holding us back! Well, having a bit of money would be good too I guess. Gnah...
              Ah, I see! Good luck to you too then!
              Aww, I hope that after those 2 years everything will work out for you two. I hope it'll be better than the Australian visa! yeah, I know, it's soo expensive, it's crazy:S
              Thx, hope everything will be working out for us, too
              "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."


                I miss waking up with him, for sure. the way we'd open our eyes at the same exact times, look at each other and he'd say "good morning beautiful. how'd you sleep?" and I'd tell him, and we'd kiss each other. then we'd talk about what we dreamt about. and then I'd ask what he wanted to do that day and he'd usually say he didn't care, but sometimes he'd say something or other...

                I also miss how before we'd sleep, we'd lay there for atleast and hour or two just kinda looking at each other and talking about whatever random stuff came to mind.


                  Originally posted by DropkickDisco View Post
                  I miss waking up with him, for sure. the way we'd open our eyes at the same exact times, look at each other and he'd say "good morning beautiful. how'd you sleep?" and I'd tell him, and we'd kiss each other. then we'd talk about what we dreamt about. and then I'd ask what he wanted to do that day and he'd usually say he didn't care, but sometimes he'd say something or other...

                  I also miss how before we'd sleep, we'd lay there for atleast and hour or two just kinda looking at each other and talking about whatever random stuff came to mind.
                  My bf and me always did it exactly that way as well! Haha how funny, I read what you wrote and was like lol I could have written that:P I cannot wait to do all that with my bf again
                  "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."


                    I miss being able to hang out with him. I just moved in June to a new town where I know no one, and it was nice to have him nearby so I could have someone to spend my weekends with. Now it's lonely.

                    I miss how he does something crazy and then says "you're crazy" as though I'm saying it to him. I miss him being home when I get home from school or work.

                    I miss all the standard relationship stuff too.

                    If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                      Yeah, it's just the simplest thing that I miss..
                      "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."


                        I miss how he nibbles my lip, and him holding my hand. I miss his smell, sometimes i feel i can smell him when im out, but even if i went and bought the aftershave he uses, it just wouldnt be the same as smelling it actually on him. I miss how he puts his arms around me from behind when im not expecting it and whispers that he loves me
                        I just miss everything really, EVERYTHING. i cant wait to see him again soon!


                          I miss everything too. From the way he smells to the way he rubs my back wen were queuing in a shop. I miss the way he holds me n the way he kisses me. The way he laughs n the way his lip droops wen he gets sad wen it's time for me leave. Oh I miss him so much hope these 2 weeks fly by so I can see him again


                            At least you know that you'll see your bf in 2 weeks It's longer for me, and I miss him so
                            "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."

