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"me time"

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    "me time"

    I've been reading through advice and other people's situations here for a while now, and I hope I'm not just repeating questions already asked...

    My boyfriend and I have spent the majority of our 20 month relationship apart, due to both my job and my studies. The longest period of time I have spent with him at once was a year ago on a 10 day trip to Africa.

    I've just finished a 4 month summer contract during which we did not see each other. I return to university at the end of next week. I got to see him for a day yesterday, when he told me that he has 6 days off next week and it was a shame I wouldn't be around for it. When I got home I started thinking how I could work it out to see him for a day or 2. At first mention of my thoughts his response was that he was busy decorating his house. So I offered to help him with that, he essentially said I wouldn't be able to do it, and I told him that depended what he was actually doing. His reply to that was "Would it be selfish of me to have a couple of days me time?"
    I'd only asked to see him for 2-3 days out of 6. At that point I told him not to worry about it and I'd just stick with my original plan. He then said that he still wanted to see me and we'll arrange it.
    I'm confused and told him as much. I don't know what he wants, so I told him what my original idea had been and that if it was interfering with his plans then not to worry and I'll see him when I see him. He still hasn't confirmed yes or no with me.

    It hurts that after 4 months apart he still wants "me time." Why even mention he had the time off at all?

    This may seem small and petty, but this always happens. Every time we try to plan something, even if it was originally his idea, something on his end gets in the way. Either he doesn't ask work for the time off far enough in advance. Or he's ill/tired. Or he can't afford it. Or it's too far (if i could drive the 3hrs it takes I would and i always offer to take the 5 hr train or meet halfway). He's frequently late and plans often change at the lat minute. he's said he doesn't like letting me down so he doesn't like to tell me he can't do stuff. But uming and ahing and dancing around the topic instead of being straight with me makes it so much worse. It's very hard to find times that we are both available so when these things happen it's wasting limited, precious opportunities.

    He's recently moved into a new house and has been very distant because he spends every spare minute working on it. I feel a little like I've been replaced by a house and that we're drifting apart. Surely I can't be jealous of an old bungalow? And to make it worse he keeps dropping hints about me living with him there.

    The house itself shows up great differences in our personalities and desires. The fact that he bought it and seemingly wants to settle there has tied him to his home town, just round the corner from his parents house and his mum drops by unannounced. This is something he'd claimed to want to get away from. I am the opposite- I want to travel and explore, and be available to take up whatever opportunities come my way, settling in a country village certainly wasn't in my grand scheme.

    I visited the house he's spent so much time on and considering he owns it and could do whatever he wants- it's entirely beige, lacks any sort of personality or homely feel, though I suppose that will grow with time. I'm creative and artistic and I find it boring and uninspiring, but he likes it plain and simple and I acknowledge that it is his house and that he can do what he wants. I just don't know if we're too different. I used to like that we were different, that we kind of complimented each other despite our contrasts. I thought there were enough similarities and that we just worked together, now I'm not so sure. All the differences seem so much more prominent and seem to outweigh the rest.

    Over the summer we started arguing a lot, so I suggested a break while I was away so that we weren't arguing about the situation and letting that destroy us. He took it very badly and thought I was leaving him entirely, so we never went through with the break, but he became so absorbed in his house that we barely talked anyway.

    I don't know where I stand anymore, he tells me he loves me and can be very sweet and caring when we're actually physically together. I just don't feel like that carries through to the rest of our relationship. It doesn't even feel like we're in a relationship anymore.

    In summary: I'm hurt that he's not making time for me. I'm jealous that his house is monopolizing all his time, yet he doesn't even tell me/keep me involved what he's actually doing to it so I can at least feel connected to his life. And most of all I'm worried, scared even, that we're just too different.

    Am I crazy? Am I just finding problems?

    Sorry that was so rambling... I'm not even sure what I'm actually asking, just needed to share what I was feeling and hopefully gain some external sanity/clarity.
    Last edited by stargirl13; September 4, 2014, 10:22 AM.

    Originally posted by stargirl13 View Post
    It hurts that after 4 months apart he still wants "me time." Why even mention he had the time off at all?

    This may seem small and petty, but this always happens. Every time we try to plan something, even if it was originally his idea, something on his end gets in the way. Either he doesn't ask work for the time off far enough in advance. Or he's ill/tired. Or he can't afford it. Or he's crashed his car. Or it's too far (if i could drive the 3hrs it takes I would and i always offer to take the 5 hr train or meet halfway) It's very hard to find times that we are both available so when these things happen it's wasting limited, precious opportunities.
    I might be the only one noticing this among the other stuff, but this right here are HUGE red flags. He's always making and giving excuses to not be with you. If someone loved someone and really wanted to be with them, they'd make time for you. I follow and like this guy on Facebook and he's a relationship expert. He has specifically written about long distance relationships and you can see what he says here about his thoughts on LDRs and how they are supposed to work.


      Have recently (well 12 months ago now!) moved into my own house, and wanted to crack on with decorating and gardening I know just how absorbing it can be especially trying to fit it round a job, so that can explain the fact he is getting sucked in.

      However, I did all that and managed to make time to see friends and family, so it is a pretty poor excuse to be 'too busy'.

      What seems to contradict things, is that the guy is nice when you are around, but then doesn't seem to want you around, asking for 'me time' when you have not seen each other for ages is odd behaviour. Any-one that is painting and decorating would always want a hand, it gets progress done so much faster. If it is plastering that is slightly different, but it sounds like he is beyond that stage.

      In regards to the rest, you need to ask yourself what you see yourself wanting to do over the next X years. Does your BF feature in your plans? if he doesn't want to join you in them would it stop you doing them?

      Some tough questions to ponder, but if you cannot see yourself moving in or near him, then you are going to committing to a longer term LDR, and do you want that?

      You may do, and if yes then this is just a blip, and you need to talk to him about being a bit more accommodating when you are together, and being more reliable would be my advice.

      The other alternatives do appear to point towards moving on though, but I want to stress that I am not telling you to do that, just seriously consider things and have a proper talk with your BF about your reservations on how you see things, and how his actions are driving you to feel the way you do.

      He may be being 'typically male' and just doesn't realise he is causing you so much hurt and pain, and when you tell him, he will change the way he does things!

      Good luck!


        Thank you for the link lilspitfire, I think I may also send that link to him...

        And p_b82, I understand him getting absorbed and that with work it must be tiring, but I wouldn't feel so bad about it if he just told me "today I finished painting/putting my kitchen in" etc.

        I know what I want to do over the next several years, at least, I know where I have to go for my career etc and it is not the miles-from-anywhere market town where he has just bought the house. Him not wanting to do the same as me would certainly not stop me, I had thought that I would one-day like to build a future with him, but I do not just want to slot into his life. if we have a future we need to build it together and I'm feeling more and more like he's settling into lasting decisions now. Especially when he says he'll "wait for me", I feel like he thinks I'll work my goals/ideals/lifestyle out of my system and then I'll settle down to a life with him. But that's not who I am and I don't understand why he's with me if he's just waiting for me to change.

        You're not the first to mention being "typically male", however we've had discussions about communication etc in the past, big "change it or we're done" conversations. And he'll make the effort but then if there's a new cause for the lack of communication it'll go back to square one- like he can't just apply the same rule to every situation. Yesterday he even asked me "have I been more open about things since the almost-break?" I told him no, he'd barely spoken to me, let alone enough to guage whether he was being more open. He apologised saying it was because he was so busy with the house.

        He tells me he missed me, that he thinks about me all the time, but he doesn't say it at the time and just makes me feel really awkward trying to organise time together, until i feel like I've pressured him into it. The first time I asked if I could visit him he said he didn't want me to because the house wasn't finished (yet he's already got a housemate living there) I told him I didn't mind camping on a floor surrounded my dust sheets. Then it was that he'd be busy with it, so I said I'd help him. Then it was that he couldn't pick me up the drive was too long- I'd always intended to get the train. Then it was that he felt bad that I'd be spending my time off just stuck in his house and I'd be bored- I told him I didn't care what we did I just wanted to spend time together. finally, after all that, and after saying if he didn't want me to visit he should just say so, he said of course he'd love to have me visit.

        Then he goes and says things like he knows he's not perfect but please not to give up on him.

        I just don't know what to do.


          You shouldn't have to feel guilty about wanting to be with him AND have to explain it. After all of that he finally agrees? Kind of seems obligated now. Michelle and Frank say not to take a break, but I think you really need to step back and view this from an outsiders POV. If this was a close friend or family member, what would you say to them if they were telling you this? Then put it together with how YOU feel about it and make your decision.


            I think it all boils down to the fact that I just don't feel like a priority on his life.


              Originally posted by stargirl13 View Post
              Especially when he says he'll "wait for me", I feel like he thinks I'll work my goals/ideals/lifestyle out of my system and then I'll settle down to a life with him. But that's not who I am and I don't understand why he's with me if he's just waiting for me to change.
              Honestly, this sounds like it could be a huge, irreconcilable thing for you guys. Is he older than you/wanting to get started on settling down with a family? If you guys really don't see eye to eye at all on where you may live in the future/what sort of lives you're each expecting to have, you may want to think more seriously about whether this is the right thing for you.

              To an extent there's always compromise in a relationship, but these sound like they could potentially be some major differences that don't necessarily jive.

              however we've had discussions about communication etc in the past, big "change it or we're done" conversations.
              Unfortunately a lot of times major change isn't necessarily something that just happens. The question to ask yourself is are you happy with him as is, if he never changes? Because there's no guarantee a change will happen, or if it does, that it will stick. If you aren't happy with the person as they are, it probably isn't going to work, as you'll always be wanting something else.
              Last edited by silvermoonfairy3; September 4, 2014, 02:47 PM.


                I think you're doing a bit of both. He DOES need to make time with you. You guys are in a LDR, you don't see each other often so it isn't exactly thrilling to see your SO not showing some initiative and being proactive about seeing you when the opportunity shows itself. Sure he probably needs a day to unwind, it's just like any other time you have guests for an extended period of time. But perhaps he is failing to look at the big picture. Tell him how you feel, but don't accuse or get emotional.

                At the same time I think because of the above you're looking for problems. You can be settled down in a house and travel and explore and experience the world. You do need a location to call home that you can come back to. And it's not like he can't sell the place should you two decide to make a compromise and find something you both like. Opposites can get along, maybe he just doesn't have much taste in design and look. Beige is like a blank canvas. You can have beige walls and still decorate a house nicely... you said you're creative and artsy, you should know that.


                  You're right I do know that a home is nice to come back to and I do know that you can still decorate a place up, it just bothers me that I'm the one who thinks of compromise where he seems to have a set future plotted out where I'll one day fit into his premade box?

                  All of what you just said I have thought myself before, again and again, but it's not really compromise unless both parties adapt and I'm honestly not so sure anymore that he would.


                    Originally posted by stargirl13 View Post
                    All of what you just said I have thought myself before, again and again, but it's not really compromise unless both parties adapt and I'm honestly not so sure anymore that he would.
                    Relationships are built on communication, trust and compromise. If you genuinely feel like he wouldn't or can't adapt to you and your life plans are absolutely incompatible, you really need to talk to him. That's something you need to take seriously, because a future together is only possible when there really is a future you can both agree on.

                    It'll take a lot more than words and guns
                    A whole lot more than riches and muscle
                    The hands of the many must join as one
                    And together we'll cross the river


                      I agree that these are huge red flags. Maybe you need to communicate to get back on the same page


                        My ex and I were very different people, and to start with the comprimises were made willingly, in time they weren't and it got harder and harder for us both to be happy.

                        One of the biggest issues I had during our break up, was my ex writing in a letter to me how she had given up trying to change me - I was angry that she failed to accept me for who I was, and I had changed hugely since when she first met me. However all those changes were things that revolved around responsibility. They were the things she wanted to actually change back. Such as: going our partying, clubbing, gigs, getting blind drunk every weekend; in essence pissing money away with no regard to the future.

                        Ultimately we wanted different things from life, and one major difference of opinion on one issue was like a wedge that drove us further and further apart until she dumped me.

                        You two need to have a sit down and discuss all the issues you have raised here bluntly and openly. If you feel that you are not a priority, and his behaviour towards you does not change to make you feel otherwise, you will always be unhappy.

                        As another has said just because he is 'settling down' doesn't mean that your two lives are not compatible, but you both have to be happy with wanting different things and accept that this is the way it is.... it works for some, but not for others!

