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Flights and a rather big problem

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    Flights and a rather big problem

    well, ive recevied some extreamly good news, and some terrible news just recently.
    ill start with the terrible news, get it over with.

    well, a bit of background, my SO's family that she lives with arent perticualy nice( i wont go into details for personal reasons) but all summer me and natacha were just communicating over the phone and via facebook, which she had to access on her mobile. now, natacha went back to school today, and (as far as i can tell) her dad is worried about her staying up till god knows what time speeking to me on facebook like we did all summer and then not passing her grades. so he took her mobile away, which is, to an extent, understandable. which left us with an only option to speek on the phone every night. but then her dad said to her that if i phone her during a school night she would get in trouble, and so would i, meaning i could only phone her for a few hours at the weekend.
    this is making me realy upset, and miss her like mad. it feels like a part of me is missing with every day i cant speek to her. and in general if your upset it effects alot of other things you do. ive became realy short with my family and my friends :/
    im just wondering if any of you have been through this and how did you deal with not even being able to speek to your SO except for a few hours a week?

    now for the good news
    my canadian friend, gen (who lives in england) is going home for christmas to see her dad. and shes invited me to come along and stay at her house, her dad has agreed too (also natacha would be staying there with me ;3). ive spoken to both my parents and they both say i can go, and whats more they'll pay for it.
    also gen has quite a history iof being unrelyable (saying shes gunna go home but not going) so i spoke to my parents about this too and they told me that if gen lets me down my grandad will come with me and we can stay in a b'n'b xD
    were currently sorting out my passport atm and then were gunna get tickets, which leads me to a few more queestions i hope you can answer
    what is the cheepest way to fly there, what airlines, days, times etc just any tips on how to get there cheepest?
    also, ive herd from differant people differant things about visas. is there anyonefrom the u.k who has been to canada recently (for whatever reason) who can give me low down and ins and outs of visa's, interveiws or any other papers i need to get there, and iff i do, how do i apply etc?
    any help will be gratefully received, thanks

    That's great to hear! But I'm sorry that her family isn't very nice!
    This little girl's heart is California bound.


      how did you deal with not even being able to speek to your SO except for a few hours a week?

      You fill your time with activities, people, and other things to give yourself time and space away so you don't think about it. You let yourself cry, and then you find ways to not give yourself empty space to make you lonely.

      Tickets: take a look on, it checks 4-5 websites automatically so you can see the prices. If you want to know what visa you need, go to Canada's immigration website. I'm guessing there's an e-visa from the UK you can go on that allows you to vacation for up to 90 days without having to make a 'real visa' and all of that.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        Originally posted by Silviar View Post
        how did you deal with not even being able to speek to your SO except for a few hours a week?

        You fill your time with activities, people, and other things to give yourself time and space away so you don't think about it. You let yourself cry, and then you find ways to not give yourself empty space to make you lonely.

        Tickets: take a look on, it checks 4-5 websites automatically so you can see the prices. If you want to know what visa you need, go to Canada's immigration website. I'm guessing there's an e-visa from the UK you can go on that allows you to vacation for up to 90 days without having to make a 'real visa' and all of that.
        I agree. Just keep yourself busy. It'll help keep your mind off of it.
        This little girl's heart is California bound.


          It's nice to hear about the trip!

          And about only talking to your SO a few hours a week.. I've been there! Not because of the same reasons, but because he was working at a boyscout camp most of the summer and had no way to contact me. The only thing I can really say is to keep busy, hang out with friends, try to have fun!!! Write letters, maybe? ya know.. so you can at least keep in contact a little more... plus it's always nice to get a letter in the mail
          [CENTER]"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive."


            Im from Germany and I've been in Canada like almost 2 years ago. And I've flewn with Air Canada, and the ticket was quite cheap. Im sure I couldve found cheaper but Air Canada is a rather big flight company thingy so rather pay 100 bucks more than fly with some cheap crap airplane ^^


              Yay for the good news!


                If you guys happened to live near eachother and didn't work/go to school with eachother, chances are you'd be in the same situation and only see/talk to her a few hours a week. So think of it like that, might stop it feeling so hard... Also, during the week it can be nice to write down stuff you want to talk to her about in a notebook or on notepad, because then it's like you've talked to her a bit. Then you can be reminded of it for your weekend chats.


                  If you're in England and are a British national or citizen, I'm pretty sure you don't need a visa to visit Canada for less than 90 days. Check the website for their embassy in the UK.

                  I only talk to my boyfriend a few hours each week--if that. I actually got a 15 minute phone call tonight, and that's the first time I've heard his voice in over a week. And will probably be the last for a while. You have to keep yourself busy and occupied so you don't dwell on it. Hang out with friends, throw yourself into studies or learn something new, cultivate a new hobby...whatever keeps you from being bored and sitting around feeling lonely.

                  If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around

