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New to this and nervous

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    New to this and nervous

    Hi everyone. My name is Nicole! So i have recently ventured into an LDR for the first time and while i am completely into this guy, i am a little anxious/nervous/scared.
    When i "met" him months and months ago, i was with someone i was engaged and have a daughter with for nearly 5 years but i was having tons of problems with. I wasnt speaking to LDR romantically at the time at all, but he knew my struggle with my ex. He sort of helped me realize how unhappy i truly was. I believe i met him for a reason, even if it was just to help me open my eyes and thats it.
    We've now been in a LDR for 4 months, which i realize isnt long at all. He lives in Canada and i live in the US. I call him everyday (cheaper for me to call him) and we text a lot, lots of pictures being sent normal and naughty...etc. He recently decided that he would like to come visit me, which i am okay with, because we decided that we'd rather get the seeing if we get alongin person thing over with before we get too attached but I'm also terrified. *
    We have spoken about some intimate thing. And I'm scared he will want sex while he is here. I've told him about this concern and. Says he will prove me wrong but i can't help it. I know he would not spend all that money on a passport, plane tickets, renting a car, and a hotel just for that... would he? so why am i so scared? Anyone else?

    Has anyone been in a situation like this?
    Is meeting this soon bad?

    There isnt a time for meeting, so I dont think it's soon to do it. On the contrary, if you like each other, know each other from months, and one of you has the possibility to visit, it's just the perfect thing
    Is normal to be scared on the first meeting, and having a lot of doubts and fears. But don't think about them now, everything will come naturally when he'll be there and you two will have time to think about them when you're together - if there will be any!


      Don't stress, he may be genuine about this. If you've said you're worried about it, he now knows. Get to know him better as a person. My SO once flew up to me, just because I wasn't well and he wanted to make sure I was ok, even though I'd almost fully recovered. So he could be very well going to all this effort because to him, you're worth getting to know more. Give yourself some credit. You've been upfront about being intimate and he knows that and still wants to visit, just relax and enjoy getting to know him.


        You send him naughty pictures as part of your romantic exchange, but if he wants to initiate sex during the visit that is a sign he is not genuine...What am I missing here? Surely sexuality is part of a romantic relationship, and you seem to think so too, otherwise you would not have sent him the pics.

        I never heard someone say meeting soon is bad, more the other way around.
        I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
        - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

        "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits

