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Advice needed!

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    Advice needed!

    Hey guys!

    Just wanted to ask a question.

    Whenever i leave my SO i really struggle to sleep again without him by my side! does anyone suffer like this? If so, how do you overcome this?

    Cheers everyone

    I got him to leave his hoodie with me, which smelled like him, and I slept in that for more nights than I care to admit. :P I found it very comforting though.


      As I haven't been with my bf yet for a night I can't directly relate, but I definitely agree with garnet's advice. Also, maybe yu'd like to spraya little of his cologne on one of those body pillows if you want something to snuggle up with that still reminds you of him


        We went to a place called Build a Bear and put a button with us saying I love you. I sleep with it everynight


          That's a good idea


            Wear an article of his clothing or try to fall asleep on webcam together =) That always helps me.
            This little girl's heart is California bound.


              I can't sleep alone either. We slept on skype (just with our headsets mostly, cam was a special treat) basically every night - which is a damn good effort with a 5 or 7 hour time difference!
              We had bruses behind our ears and often got crinked necks before we learnt how to do it comfortably, and we got a few strange looks and comments from frends and family who found out, but it worked for us.
              Sleeping on the phone has been linked to cancer though, apparently, so be careful of that.
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                I always had sleeping problems, but they disappeared when I was able to sleep next to my SO. My sleeping problems came straight back once I had to leave again. I tried many things, but nothing really seems to work.


                  Unfortunately, it just takes time. It took me about a month to get used to sleeping alone again.

                  I do have a stuffed octopus he gave me before he left for Spain. Some nights I need it, some nights I don't. And there are times when it helps to just imagine him there, even if it means you talk to yourself a little to do a little convincing.

                  If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                    sigh..I understand. I have two body helps a little...
                    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                      we always exchange pillows, i gave him one of mine and i have one of his, next time ill take his back and he will give me mine back cos it smells like him...and then visit after same thing again it helps..and a hoodie of his when it gets really bad


                        It's hard to sleep without your bf by your side again. The first few nights I cried because I felt so lonely.. it gets a bit better with the time, though I miss him next to me in bed every day. And yeah, I have this blanket of him that he used when he was with me in Germany and it still smells a bit like him so I cuddle with it when I sleep and pretend that it's him
                        "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."


                          This has been a struggle for myself as well. A pillow to hold on to and one of her silk nighties to rest my face/head on is the only things that works for me. Plus, staying up until I can't keep my eyes open makes it easier but sucks the next day at work.


                            Originally posted by BillW View Post
                            This has been a struggle for myself as well. A pillow to hold on to and one of her silk nighties to rest my face/head on is the only things that works for me. Plus, staying up until I can't keep my eyes open makes it easier but sucks the next day at work.
                            My bf does that as well..
                            "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."


                              This used to bother me, but now our sleep patterns are so out of sync and he's such a rough sleeper (and he ALWAYS rolls over onto my hair, even if I pull it up, and he never remembers my screaming in pain the next morning) that I've kind of started looking forward to when he leaves because it means I'll get an actual good night's rest.

                              I'd suggest having an extra pillow to cuddle with, maybe one of those big body pillows. Or this:
                              "All you need is love, love, love. Love is all you need."

