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Texting too much?

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    Texting too much?

    The title may seem a bit weird. However, I feel like my S/O and I are texting each other too much. It's basically our only form of communication. It's technically how we began (chat room) and how we've stayed. We don't really call each other at all; she hears my voice through voice notes I send (this is one sided, she replies with texting). If I ask for a phone call she's busy at the moment and/or it has to be postponed for some reason (which it never does get postponed, it just doesn't happen).
    I would really love to hear her voice more. I make a lot of hints about it, talking about how much I enjoy hearing her voice and how lovely it sounds to me; I've even written a poem about it and she's read it. Yet all to no avail. I understand that she could be busy but how can you be so busy you can only make a phone call once per month or not even that much, yet you can text me almost everyday? Not to mention sometimes her replies are really late (hours-days late) or she just doesn't reply at all. She usually apologizes for this though.
    I don't want to seem demanding, but I just don't feel all that comfortable only texting her. I want to hear her voice. We haven't even Skype called, ever. The only time I see her face is through pictures she sends me or posts on Twitter or something. She's even expressed how much she enjoys hearing my voice and laugh, yet still nothing. Sometimes, I feel like she does this stuff just to be agreeable and avoid conflict. Yet, I don't want to assume things, it'll only make it worse. What should I do? I have absolutely no idea how to communicate how upset it makes me without sounding demanding or like a jerk.
    Last edited by Maxy54321; September 20, 2014, 05:40 PM.

    Don't make hints. Flat out tell her. "I feel that we should be able to voice chat more. I love texting you, but hearing your voice is better. More tone can be inflicted in a voice call than texting." Let her know it bothers you (using I statements) that she is able to text you but not call and you want more calling. Is there a reason she doesn't want to Skype?


      I told her. Not much has changed. We had a call a day or two after I expressed how I felt and went right back to texting everyday afterwards. When I asked her for another call she simply didn't reply to my message at all and didn't text me after that; I had to initiate for the past few days before this. About Skype, she said that when the time came for that she would be really nervous and could hardly imagine what it would be like to Skype me, since talking to me without the video element already gives her butterflies.


        If she is insecure about it, why don't you give it a little time? She might come to enjoy it. Also, you can write on skype if it becomes a bit overwealming to see each other and talk at the same time, we did that a lot in the beginning (also because he used to live with lots of other guys and did not have that much privat life). Perhaps you can try to have a call like once a week and then gradually move towards skyping once she is comfortable with that.
        I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
        - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

        "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


          My SO and I spoke via text for a while before we progressed to phone calls. I was really nervous about chatting on the phone because I guess I was worried that we wouldn't be able to transfer our convo flow from text into phone calls. The fear of awkward silences terrified me and thought he'd find me boring when he spoke to me, and after that he'd lose interest in me. Maybe your SO is experiencing some of these jitters too.


            What exactly do you mean by giving it a little time? I don't just call her out of the blue, I always ask if it would be okay for me to call her. For the past few times that I've done this, I just get nothing back, nothing at all. I did it earlier; we were having a conversation and she was replying every three to five minutes or so. Once I pop the question about a phone call, I get nothing for an hour. And usually when she does this, this means I'll get no reply for the whole day. I don't get it. A call once a week would be lovely if she'd like that. I can understand her having jitters; I find it hard to imagine Skyping too because talking to me makes me smile uncontrollably and act really stupid. She renders me speechless just with her voice alone. The awkward silences we have usually translate into laughter most if not all of the time, they don't last long. We've had..two phone calls in the past few months. If she was experiencing jitters or things of that sort, I'd prefer she tell me instead of just leave me hanging. And how are we (*we*, because I have them too) supposed to move past them if hardly any action is taken?


              By a little time a mean a couple of months. If you have phone calls a couple of times a month, and talk about them later over text (what did you like? what went wrong? what can we do next? etc) it may be easier to get into it. You feeling akward about it might explain why it is not so easy for her. You might tell her you are experiencing some jitters and perhaps she has also experienced something like that?
              I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
              - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

              "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                Originally posted by lilspitfire View Post
                Don't make hints. Flat out tell her. "I feel that we should be able to voice chat more. I love texting you, but hearing your voice is better. More tone can be inflicted in a voice call than texting." Let her know it bothers you (using I statements) that she is able to text you but not call and you want more calling. Is there a reason she doesn't want to Skype?
                I agree,just ask her why she doesn't want to call you,and tell her how it makes you feel when she tells you that she's too busy to talk to you on the phone.

