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Just a rant

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    Just a rant

    Okay yesterday a co-worker got fired and another co worker (supposedly a friend) posted on her wall on Facebook about it and how sad she was (he was her Lead) and so I was trying to make a joke about it saying "What about the rest of us? Well her friends got all panty twisted and started saying I was seeking attention and blah blah. Well one girl, Ariell, said something like "Maybe you need to get a boyfriend....and then she was like oh wait. Kind of all nasty because she knows me and my SO are together and in an LDR. I got so mad. I deleted the first girl (Lexi) and then removed her from Skype. Both her and Ariell. It bugs the crap out of me that people act like we're not really a couple because we're far apart. I wanted to be so cruel and nasty, but I didn't. We ARE a real couple. Just because we're far apart doesn't mean it isn't real. We have had our ups and downs, but all in all, my SO has treated me a ZILLION, BILLION, MILLION times better than ANY CD boyfriend. So FORGET her and ANYONE that thinks it's not real because we're 1,570 miles apart. Guess what?! When we finally close the distance? Our love and relationship will be a TRILLION times stronger because we beat the distance.

    So if anyone else has had this same type of thing happen to them, tell them FU (nicely) because as long as you're happy then they need to mind their own business.

    Aw wow I'm sorry, I hear you about people making those remarks though.


      People suck I don't get how people can think long distance isn't real


        That's just plain ignorant, and so immature. People can be so unnecessarily mean and hateful.


          yes I agree with sugarkane,that is very immature,and some people really do need to watch what they post on facebook,one of my nephew's friend's had posted something on his wall complaining about his job,saying how he cleans up a mess in the kitchen that isen't his every day,because he works in the food and he was going on and on about how he hated doing it,well to make a long story short,the next day he got fired for posting that crap.


            It's weird how they would respond so rudely to a joke. They were way out of line, and to try to throw your relationship under the bus because of A JOKE? ...How old are they?
            I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


              I don't think people understand exactly how much commitment, trust and communication goes into an LDR.
              Me and my SO speak more than 90% of CD relationships I know because we have nothing but time to do so, I'm sorry they are ignorant to that and until they either have someone close to them in an LDR or get in one themselves, they will not understand.
              Although I would love to close the distance one day I really appreciate the fact that we started as an LDR, I think I will never have someone know me the way he does and I love not taking anything for granted
              Ignore them all, you're the lucky one :-)


                Just send them a link here. I think of those comments as just ignorant. They really don't know any better. Send them here and many of us that are closing the distance will be happy to enlighten them.
                "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                Benjamin Franklin


                  I feel the same way, I had someone this week say similar things to me. Implying that I can't really call my BF, my BF because we don't live together. I try not to let it, but every time something like this happens it infuriates me. It's so hard to get people to understand what they don't :/


                    I don't get why people use Facebook to discuss how they feel about decitions at work. Does that ever end well?
                    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits

