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Is this your first LDR?

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    Is this your first LDR?

    I figured I would shoot this question out I am curious...

    Is this your FIRST LDR?

    For me...After my divorce...I didnt want to date anyone from my well..let's make it thousands of miles away...yeah..that works...

    (Sarcasm here...for those that don't read that...)

    I dated one man from London for 5 months...with him visiting twice...till he decided that he would choose someone else he had been visiting too in Croatia...(sigh)...

    and I dated someone from Turkey...who lived in NYC...but while we were together most of the time...he was in Turkey...we were together 3 months...With two visits...

    I learned so much in both of those relationships...I wasn't happy in either..and my walls were truly up...I never really communicated the way I should have...and I actually liked having them so far away.

    When Dan and I met 10 months ago...ahhhh it just was different. SOOO different and I ...miss silly woman...had sworn of LDRs...
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

    Yep, in addition to being my first ever relationship.


      This is actually my first relationship ever, along with my first LDR. I'm overweight so a lot of guys my age aren't interested in getting to know me, or I'm always considered 'one of the guys' because I'm less than ladylike. My SO and I became really good friends and had a brother/sister bond for a while but he's learned more about me than most people will ever know and it was what attracted him to me. He'd been in an LDR before, the girl messed him up badly because he fell in love with her, but she wanted him to kill her so he had sworn them off until me. Me, I had sworn off a love life entirely until him.


        This is my second LDR...after my divorce also, I got into a LDR..and I thought it was good until the longer I was in I did NOT want another LDR..EVER..but here I am again.

        I actually have NEVER dated someone who lived in my same city. I was about an hour away from my ex-husband when we were dating...strange huh?


          Yup. Also what I consider my first real relationship as well. I've dated before, had odd types 'friendships-kinda-more-but-not-really' with other men, but they always fizzled out after the butterflies settled in my stomach and I realized our personalities just didn't click beyond the first impressions we like to send out to others. This time is different. This is actually a relationship for me, just so happens to be long distance

          I'm no stranger to communicating to people from far away however. Since middle school I have made close friends with people across the country, some of which I still keep in contact with. A few I have even met in person, so I'm rather used to that ordeal. Of course it doesn't make me any less nervous about meeting my bf for the first time in person as there's a huge difference between him and those friends, but still a similar concept At least that's what I keep telling myself.


            This is my first LDR and first real and serious relationship. I went out with a guy for 4 months when I was 15 and it tooks me 2 months to actually break up with him. I was never actually comfortable spending time alone with him. :S
            And then 4 years later I found my Natalie and I have never been happier. I never realised I could find someone who I felt so in tune with, who understands me in every way and who I can just talk and talk and talk to. Just hearing her voice lights me up so easily. She is my heart and soul and I am so very much in love with her. She may like 11,000+ miles away, but she is the one for me! <3


              I'm going to jump in as #3 who was in a FAIL LDR right after my divorce, but then found Rane...
              I also had one when I was a really young teenager online, and lied about my age (I was like 14, he thought 16, he was 18 :P)
              Also before my ex husband and I were married our CDR went LDR and fell apart.
              So 4 for me.


                its my second, i realised the other day, cos back when i was like 14 i used to "date" a guy who then went to the u.s. With his family and we kinda lost actually this is my first REAL ldr...


                  First and only! If this doesn't work out, I'm off to a nunnery or deserted island or something far away from all men and the internet.


                    This is my second long-distance relationship. The first one lasted a combined two-and-a-half years, even though we only saw each other twice in that time period.

                    It seems kind of crazy though: I've been in quite a few relationships, but two long distance relationships (even alone) lasted longer than all the rest combined.
                    National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
                    National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

                    Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year


                      My second LDR, eventhough i never had the same bond and things with my first one like i have now :3
                      but thats another story.


                        First LDR, and hopefully my one and only :P
                        "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."


                          my first and my last, i wont go through it again with anybody else but her, i love her soooo much and i'll only go through it for her


                            This is my first LDR and I have no intentions of ever being in another one. It's too hard! :P And I hope to marry this one soon, lol.


                              Originally posted by Èternity View Post
                              First and only! If this doesn't work out, I'm off to a nunnery or deserted island or something far away from all men and the internet.
                              Can I come with you, but can I bring the internet? I have an addiction.

