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Is this your first LDR?

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    Kind of second LDR. When I started dating my first boyfriend we lived quite close. It would take like 30min by car to drive there (I lived in the middle of the country side so everything was quite far away). But then later I moved to a city further away and it took one hour to get there by train so maybe you can call that long distance. He still had to live with his parents because he was one year younger than me and had one year of high school left when I started my university. Later we broke up (and actually just now he moved to study to the same city and I don't want to bump into him here).

    And now my current (and hopefully last) boyfriend lives in another country.


      Originally posted by archangel View Post
      This is my first LDR and first long term serious relationship. Just the thing is... i will only get into a relationship if it is long term and serious, so there can and ever be one and only one.
      If only it always works out that way. That's how I felt about my marriage, and it didn't take but a week until after we got married for it to fall apart. I spent three years trying to get it righted.

      Not saying yours will, but rather than sometimes no matter what you plan, something else is going on in some situations. Unfortunately.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        Oh, and I should answer the question, no? XD This is my second LDR, my first being with my ex-husband.

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          It's hard to say, really. I suppose you could say that my two previous relationships were LDR in some form, as they were men I met in college and we didn't live exactly near each other. But I consider them close distance because at least for the majority of the relationships we were in close proximity.

          This is my 3rd relationship, but by far the longest (the other two were 3 months and 7 months) and the most serious. And I knew pretty early on that there would be a long distance issue, as he was planning to study abroad when we started dating. Of course, being the cynic I am prone to be at times, I sort of figured it wouldn't matter and we'd be broken up by then.

          I'm glad it's still going strong. Haven't had any of the problems I had with the first two, and the cracks that did show were easily resolved. I think it means something.

          If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


            This is my first LDR. My first relationship in general. I never felt the need to date before meeting my SO, because I always wanted to wait for someone I truly care for/love. Which I did.


              This is my first and I will never do it again. It's just too hard. Hopefully, this one will end some day with wedding bells and I won't have to eat my words.


                Originally posted by NaNi View Post
                This is my first LDR. My first relationship in general. I never felt the need to date before meeting my SO, because I always wanted to wait for someone I truly care for/love. Which I did.
                Same with me
                "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."


                  This is my first LDR . I been before through hard getting a divorce done because I got cheated on . My so is my best friend something my husband should of been never was . Iam so happy to be with him and I have got to meet him in person . We are 3 months together . Hoping to see him in December . Hoping to one day be together in person and close the distance .


                    First for me
                    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                      Originally posted by NaNi View Post
                      This is my first LDR. My first relationship in general. I never felt the need to date before meeting my SO, because I always wanted to wait for someone I truly care for/love. Which I did.
                      awww i wish i had waited until she came into my life, but ya know things happen for a reason


                        it's my first, and hopefully my last, I would never openly agree to be in another one, it's too difficult.

                        Edited: Actually, I take that back, the boyfriend before him was 3 hours away, not really long distance compared to how far my current boyfriend is, but we still only saw each other every other weekend



                          This is my first LDR, and my second real relationship. But it just feels so incredibly right.. =]
                          Although this distance breaks my heart,
                          And it's unbearable when we're apart,
                          I know that it will all be fine,
                          As my heart is yours,
                          And yours is mine.. <3


                            This is not only my first LDR, but also my first relationship.


                              This is my first, and last LDR, and my first real, serious relationship (: Reason I say last is I don't think I could ever do it again. If this one ever ever fails (like, 0.5% ever happening lol) I couldn't do it again. Unless, you know. He was really, I mean really special.
                              Me: I hope that pizza gets here soon. My stomach is growling.
                              Growling at you.

                              Muffin: *pokes stomach* ^=^

                              Me: *stomach growls*
                              I don't think it likes you very much.

                              Muffin: *pokes stomach* Hehe

                              Me: You're provoking it as it growls more. I think it'll like you more if you give it pizza.


                                Yep, first one, unless I count a fling I had with a friend of mine in London That could never be considered a relationship though! Honestly, I don't find it that difficult, maybe because I've had a number of relationships in my life, and compared to them this just feels so right, and worth the effort to have possibly found the exact perfect guy for me. Sure, I'd rather he was here, and I miss him like hell, but I'm just so grateful he's in my life. Gotta admit though, the same country would be nice!
                                Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein

