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He flew 5000miles to propose (video article)

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    I flew almost 5,000 miles and proposed too. Nothing fancy though. It was last January. I stuffed my artificial Christmas tree into my suitcase and set it up in the hotel room so that we could celebrate Christmas together. We had presents and played games and ate .. and after, we were sitting on the couch and I said, "I have one more present, but it's not something you can open." She looked puzzled. I stood up, pushed the table out of the way, looked her in the eye and got on 1 knee. Her expression dropped. Her jaw fell open, then she was half smiling and looking all around the room. I took her hand and said, "Cosmina, look at me." After that, I honestly have no idea what I said. Lol! I had nothing planned .. just opened my mouth and let my heart speak for a few minutes. Think I ended with something like, "It's true, there's still a lot I don't know about you. I don't know your favorite place to sit at the movies, I don't know how you like your meat cooked, etc. But I know enough about you in here (touched near her heart) that I know, I want to spend the rest of my life getting to know everything about you." And asked her to marry me. She declined ..

    I don't have a video of that day .. but just for kicks, here's one of, "our moments." <3
    Last edited by Methos; September 29, 2014, 04:17 AM.


      Originally posted by Methos View Post
      I flew almost 5,000 miles and proposed too. Nothing fancy though. It was last January. I stuffed my artificial Christmas tree into my suitcase and set it up in the hotel room so that we could celebrate Christmas together. We had presents and played games and ate .. and after, we were sitting on the couch and I said, "I have one more present, but it's not something you can open." She looked puzzled. I stood up, pushed the table out of the way, looked her in the eye and got on 1 knee. Her expression dropped. Her jaw fell open, then she was half smiling and looking all around the room. I took her hand and said, "Cosmina, look at me." After that, I honestly have no idea what I said. Lol! I had nothing planned .. just opened my mouth and let my heart speak for a few minutes. Think I ended with something like, "It's true, there's still a lot I don't know about you. I don't know your favorite place to sit at the movies, I don't know how you like your meat cooked, etc. But I know enough about you in here (touched near her heart) that I know, I want to spend the rest of my life getting to know everything about you." And asked her to marry me. She declined ..

      I don't have a video of that day .. but just for kicks, here's one of, "our moments." <3
      I think this is a really sweet way to propose. I'm sorry she declined.


        Just said goodbye to my sweetie today and then watched this...mistakes were made. It was so beautiful and now I'm sitting here sobbing again


          Originally posted by Methos View Post
          I flew almost 5,000 miles and proposed too. Nothing fancy though. It was last January.

          .. Is this the girl who has been clear the entire time that she just wants to be friends?


            Originally posted by Methos View Post
            I flew almost 5,000 miles and proposed too. Nothing fancy though. It was last January. I stuffed my artificial Christmas tree into my suitcase and set it up in the hotel room so that we could celebrate Christmas together. We had presents and played games and ate .. and after, we were sitting on the couch and I said, "I have one more present, but it's not something you can open." She looked puzzled. I stood up, pushed the table out of the way, looked her in the eye and got on 1 knee. Her expression dropped. Her jaw fell open, then she was half smiling and looking all around the room. I took her hand and said, "Cosmina, look at me." After that, I honestly have no idea what I said. Lol! I had nothing planned .. just opened my mouth and let my heart speak for a few minutes. Think I ended with something like, "It's true, there's still a lot I don't know about you. I don't know your favorite place to sit at the movies, I don't know how you like your meat cooked, etc. But I know enough about you in here (touched near her heart) that I know, I want to spend the rest of my life getting to know everything about you." And asked her to marry me. She declined ..

            I don't have a video of that day .. but just for kicks, here's one of, "our moments." <3

            Wow! Nice proposal.....sorry about the end result


              I didn't go there intending to propose .. just to have Christmas with her. But as I realized how soon I was gona have to leave, I just knew in my heart that I had to ask, even with 99% certainty that she would say no. Right now .. I wish I could go be with her for like, 3 months or something. We know each other online .. but actually being together in person is completely different. And we've only had brief meetings compared to our years of online. Really, what I want more than anything is just to have the time to be with her, as a friend .. to be able to call her up and go out and do things .. just get to know each other in person and go from there. This last time a few weeks ago, we had SUCH a great time the first night! It's like .. we don't have the chance to really take the time to get to know each other THAT way .. and in person is sooo much different than online. I would never expect her to fall for me online only although I know it does happen. Just want to be with her, not in a rush like .. we've only got 3 days to "make something happen." That's dumb. And she also has hangups about what her relatives would think about her seeing an older guy from another country and all that that might imply. So many things in the way that COULD (I said could!) be getting in the way. Anyway, sorry .. didn't mean to hijack this thread. :P

