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Love / Insanity!

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    Love / Insanity!

    Hey all, I posted last month to tell you about my weird and wonderful situation. If anyone could shed any light, share experiences, I would be beyond grateful.

    I can already tell this is going to be long, so sorry : )

    I met J online in May 2013. She’s now 26 and I’m 27. In some ways we’re really similar, both very career minded, ones a lawyer the other on the way to becoming a dermatologist. We have the most interesting conversations and sometimes it seems like our text messages are like an english essay. I feel like she challenges me, in every meaning of the word. Since meeting her I’ve lost 108 lbs, I finally took these extra classes so one day I can practise human rights laws in developing countries, I’ve stepped up and become the person I’m so proud of.
    She is amazing, she’s really well travelled like me, she was lucky enough to come from a very well off family so she’s had tons of fun life experiences from a young age. And I suppose even now, neither one of us having financial issues makes a LDR easier.

    However, she has always known she is attracted to women but has never acted on it, until meeting me that is. We met up for the first time last month and plan on again next week or two. I’ll be honest and say its not like I’m out and proud. Coming from a muslim background with a Pakistani and Turkish family, yeah it isn’t the easiest thing to do – however, I know if I met the right woman I would stand up for her and myself.

    Initially our meeting was meant to provide closure because she never wants to settle down with a woman, she believes its strongly against her jewish upbringing and found it almost frustrating that our bond was so close. We talked every day, skyped often and supported one another constantly.

    Our 4 day trip was interesting, the first day and a half we acted like best friends, she addressed she was attracted to me and was struggling slightly. However after that we behaved like a couple. I suppose it was naïve to think we would act coupley from the moment I got off the plane.
    Since I’ve been back in London, we’ve had a few disagreements. I wanted to try a relationship, she said no because what would be the point? As she saw a title as something that’s to tell others, something we wouldn’t do. We had a few long talks about this, I reacted badly saying lets call it quits, then I had some terrible family business and all this concluded in, she’s now my girlfriend and tells me she loves me everyday.
    We’re not super duper lovey dovey or anything, but we both know exactly how the other feels.

    Now really, our plan isn’t to close the distance. Her ideal scenario is we naturally dfit apart. Me, I know she’s done a 180 since she’s met me and maybe I’m a romantic at heart but I feel like if in 6 months or a year we’re still in the same situation and have the same insanely strong feelings we’re gonna have no choice but to address that this is very real.

    I suppose I feel like I’m taking a huge gamble, but at the least I know I wanna meet her a few more times and enjoy what we share.

    Am I crazy? Or just a girl in love

    Love is crazy. Especially if it is not of the most ordinary kind. My SO says he would not choose to be in a poly relationship, but he will be in one for me. One trip is not enough to make decitions for life, but over the next trips you can get to know each other and take it from there.
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      Originally posted by differentcountries View Post
      Love is crazy. Especially if it is not of the most ordinary kind. My SO says he would not choose to be in a poly relationship, but he will be in one for me. One trip is not enough to make decitions for life, but over the next trips you can get to know each other and take it from there.
      you're right DC, thank you : ) Honestly, my experience with this has been the most annoying frustrating testing situation but in the same same moment she makes me the happiest and and I wouldn't change a thing about her.
      I see her on Friday, I feel like kinda lucky to only wait a few weeks between meetings but I am soo excited.

      Also - it is amazing how much she has opened up and changed since we got together, she's the best and even though we struggle and I know ultimately I am taking a huge risk, dating my best friend is sweetest

