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please help me! I'm confused..I don't know what to do

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    please help me! I'm confused..I don't know what to do

    I'm maria and I met my SO online on a website called Omegle. He's from Denmark. It's been a year but i have been having trust issues and I really need someone to talk to about it and get advice from them.

    If you post the issue, a lot of people can give their opinion which you can then decide what course of action to take about whatever is going on.


      Trust issues with what?


        We talk through kik an instant messaging app so I when we started dating I asked for pics of him and he only sent me pics from his gallery amd when I asked him to take a pic while we were talking he only gave me excuses till one day he did send me pic but still was insecure.of him being a fake so I asked him why he didn't want to taketake pics for me and he said he didn't like them and that he was insecure of himself and I believed him he kept sending me pics from his gallery (they're all from the same guy) anyway a month ago I asked again and he said his camera was broken and I said okay. We started skyping since we started dating but he would always say his webcam was broken so.I told.him well then buy a new one and whenever I ask him if he's bought one he says he has but that they wont work.:/ we were on skype today and a Facebook message popped in on his side so I asked him if it was a Facebook message and he said it was so I hung up cause I got really upset because when we first met he said he didn't have a facebook account..2 minutes later he texted me on kik and asked what was wrong I told him that I was upset because he told me he didn't have Facebook so he told me he got it recently because that way he finds out about airsoft events since he plays in a team and blah blah blah he said he only had his team's leader and one of his friends who's called kasper like him and that his profile pic was a sloth with a suit so I searched him on Facebook and I found him I went to check his friends and he had over 200 friends there then I saw his picks amd they were of his friend kasper I was very angry at that because he had lied to me so I sent him screenshots and he said that wasn't him thay it was his friend kasper but the name was my boyfriend's and the profile pic was the one he told me he had so we argued,he said that I've questioned him since we started dating and that he was tired of defending himself and proving me stuff but the thing is that all.he does is send me pics of himI have asked him for bery specific pics and he's taken them and sent them to me but.what I want him is to buy a webcam so I can see him at.least for 2 minutes
        I told him that I was done talking I cried for a while...later I typed his e mail address in Facebook but all I got was the profile I saw earlier..I dont know what to do idk if I should believe him


          Sorry if this is too long


            This one is very easy. Ask him to go to an internet cafe to Skype with you.
            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


              Honestly thats very fishy. How specific are the pics you request?

              Also you have a right to question his identity if he wont figure out a way to skype. I mean there are a lot of different ways to get a camera and Im pretty sure he probably has a smart phone so he could use that.

              Sounds like he is hiding something. But thats just my opinion


                Ask him to go to an internet cafe to Skype with you.


                  Not everyone has access to internet cafes. There are none around me.

                  If he's taken specific pics he could be who he says he is. Or he could be having a friend take the pics. He bought a cam but it doesn't work? What happens that it doesn't work? Does it need drivers?

                  If he has a smart phone ask him if he can use that for skype, if he's worried about using data agree to a short call.

                  You might have to tell him straight up that you have trust issues and if he wants to continue the relationship there's one simple way he can put your mind at ease.


                    I've told him to use his phone camera but he says that one is broke as well I'll ask him.if he has acces to an internet cafe and im not sure but he says his pc is kinda old so that might be the problem.but I just dont know I'll ask.him one more time about facebook amd him getting to an internet cafe


                      TBH it sounds like the person is either not telling the truth or a compulsive liar.

                      I'd probably walk away if it was me, after trying one last time to get him prove he is who he says he is, not sure I would even bother with that chance tbh.


                        There are webcams costing 10$. You know that he might be a prisoner? Some prisoners have access to computers and internet. You have every single right to ask for his identity, I've shown my passport and identity card to my girlfriend once.


                          Stop wasting your time with this guy...he is playing games with you. Listen to your gut1
                          Met Online : July 2013
                          Met in person : April - May 2014 (3 wks)
                          2nd visit : June - August 2014 (2 months)
                          3rd visit : December - Jan (2wks)
                          Proposal : December 2014
                          Closed distance : February 2015
                          Married : April 5, 2015


                            This guy sounds like a fake,you have to be very careful with apps like that,you don't know if the person is real or not.


                              I agree that you just need to walk away. This throws up so many red flags. You deserve better.
                              To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

                              ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.

