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It's over, I guess.

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    It's over, I guess.

    SO and I broke up a few days ago after a short 3 months.

    For the past few weeks, we had started to drift apart. I'd say there was just too much going on at the same time, and it make us kind of lose what we had.

    His CD ex started texting him again. She was flirting with him and asking him things about them. She wanted to hang out with him, she even asked if there was a chance for them to get together again. He showed me screenshots of the texts, it started around 12pm. I told him "Tell her you have a gf" and he insisted she knew, which she obviously didn't. Around 11pm he decided to finally tell her he had a girlfriend, to which she replied she didn't know anything. I told him multiple times, I don't mind him talking to her, but I just wanted for him to make it clear that he wasn't interested and that he had a girlfriend.

    That was kind of the start of everything. In about 2 weeks im going to Florida. I'm going to be hanging out with mom, dad, sister, one RL friend and one friend I met online. This friend I met online told me a few months ago that he was interested in me, but that he wouldn't butt in my relationship. SO got pissed because of this, because it hurt his "man pride". I told him I wouldn't meet him if it was such a big problem, which I didn't see how it was since I get hit on by people all the time and he's never had a problem with me talking to them.

    Well I wanted to take the opportunity of my trip to Florida to stop in Rhode Island and pay him a visit, albeit a short one (1-2 days at most). He seemed excited about it at first, but then started doubting things. Like he doubted we could hang out some place other than his college campus, he doubted we could go out for dinner, go on a movie date or something. All because of his parents. His parents don't know about our relationship and he says that if they find out they'd be mad and would kick him out. I told him I didn't want to put his home at risk just to meet me, and well it all kind of went downhill from there.

    We video chat for like an hour every 2-3 weeks. We call like once every 2 weeks. I text him, he doesn't text back for hours. I get his life was pretty busy this past week as was mine, but I saw him playing the game we both played and posting on the forums we both frequent. If he can do that, i'm sure he can take a minute of his time to text me. We started talking and decided to end things. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it. He made me very happy, but our relationship didn't feel... real. We didn't have like any "real" form of communication, it was always just text.

    I don't know if I should keep trying to work things out with him and hope that we can meet in the next few months, or if I should just give up and move on. It's kind of unrealistic for us to meet anytime soon though, and I don't want to have to wait for 3-4 years just to meet him and find out if we're good for each other. Did we make the right decision? Or should we keep trying?

    This may sound harsh but I'd move on. If your relationship was kept secret that's a big worry. Sounds like you weren't a priority. The fact he has time to play games, go on forums and not text you is to me isn't great. Plus his ex didn't know he was dating, not good. Move on and find someone who will make you a priority and not keep your relationship a secret.


      I'm sorry the relationship didn't work out.
      I agree with Redheart, move on.
      There are plenty of fish in the sea and by the sounds of it, many of them interested in you. Go out there and find your dream man that treats you like a lady
      Take care!


        Sorry to hear about the break, up but I agree with the posters above.

        It does seem that it would be best for you to find some-one that is prepared to be open and honest with you - not telling and ex you are in a relationship to me is a big no-no; the first thing I told my post breakup fling (even though the brakes had been put on at that point, was that I was now completely off the market again).

        As a side note, you dont have to always be on voice calls or skype in an LDR - me and my GF hardly talk due to life's complications, but we both make sure we make time for each other in other ways; misunderstandings apart of course lol

        Hang in there and keep looking forward


          I'm sorry to hear about the break up,just take it one day at a time,you deserve so much better.


            Enjoy your time with your family. That'll help.


              I just went through a similar situation.... it still sucks but day by day I think about why that was the right decision.
              Ultimately, I want someone who values me and puts in the effort.
              We deserve that!

              Stay strong.

