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Break up, Has this ever happened to you?

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    Break up, Has this ever happened to you?

    Alright, so I actually broke up with my LD boyfriend late last month. Dang, it hurts just to say that. Anywho, I was still in love with him but I saw differences in our personalities along with some changes he was going through and I figured I was eventually going to break up with him. The smart me thought I should just wait till I find another guy to be interested in and then split, but because I loved him too much to string him along, I broke it off.

    Now, we were friends for 4+ years before we dated (online of course) and we got really close. We both referred to each other as best friends (shocker right) and I didn't realize I had gotten so used to talking to him and having him in my life, that now I am heart broken. Thats right, THE ONE WHO BROKE IT OFF is heart broken. He was sad and is still somewhat bitter, but he has said he has moved on. I thought I did but once we stopped skyping so much I realized how much I missed it. There were other things also like how he went from being so nice to saying some things that hurt my feelings.

    Has this ever happened to you? I'm trying my hardest to get over him by not texting him so much (I told him I needed space to get over him) and its honestly the hardest break up I've ever had to go through. Worse than the one time I was cheated on and broken up with.
    If you have any tips on getting over someone besides completely blocking them off (I already am for texting and skyping to a degree, but I intend to stay friends with him) then let me know. It has been even affecting my studying because I'll end up thinking of him and crying for the next 3 hours.

    I'm so sorry to hear this,break-ups are always hard I would, say to find a hobby,anything that you enjoy doing,to get your mind off of him,hang in there,it will get easier with time.


      Surround yourself with friends. It'll help take your mind off it.


        I would cut contact completely. If you want to be friends again, pick up casual communication later, but give yourself time to get over him without the constant little reminders.

        Like the others have suggested, keeping yourself busy with a hobby or with friends/family is helpful. Good luck!
        In all the world there is no heart for me like yours.
        In all the world there is no love for you like mine.
        -- Maya Angelou

