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hold on or let go?..stay or leave..?

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    hold on or let go?..stay or leave..?

    Hello, am in a LDR for almost 2yrs now, but we never meet yet personally because of circumstances that we can't or he cant control, like work.Our relationship is great, like any other relationship it isn't perfect.We have shares of ups and downs, arguments, different issues, but we always make it a point to discussed it and compromise.Jealousy is never been an issue to us, for almost 2yrs together, he's been faithful.Usually, reason of arguments were time/attention. We are aware of each others needs, although there times it failed because he is too busy with work, or I demand too much?My problem is, recently, we had an argument.Just like before, after an argument, we gave each other time to cool down, mostly, it takes 2-3 days or a week, if we both know that we are both ready to talk, either him or me will initiate the talk.But, this time, after the last argument, I never heard anything from him, although am the first to reach out to him, he didnt reply back to my text messages, even on emails and even phone calls.Its almost 2 months that he didnt communicate with me.Now am so worried because i really dont know what happened to him. I don't know what's the status of our relationship now.I really don't know what to do, should i still hold on till he comes back or let go?

    He did not contact you for two months?? Yes girl, the relationship is over.
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      I'm so sorry to hear this. Being two months, it sounds like he's done with the relationship. If I were you I'd move on and know it probably wasn't meant to be. There is someone out there for you, and you'll find him one day!
      Met Online: 2009-10
      Started Talking: Jan 25, 2011
      Relationship Started: June 25, 2011
      First Meeting: June 9, 2014
      Engaged: June 12, 2014
      Second Visit and Road Trip: Sep 3, 2014


        Yeah safe to say you should move on. You've waited long enough.

        Met online: 04.19.14
        Became a couple: 04.23.14
        First Visit: 08.09.14-08.15.14
        Second Visit: 12.17.14-12.28.14
        Third Visit: 02.13.15-02.15.15
        Fourth Visit: 04.03.15-04.06.15
        CLOSED THE DISTANCE/GOT MARRIED: 06.22.15/06.27.15


          I'm so sorry to hear this girl,yes the relationship is over,move on and forget about him,you deserve so much better.

