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Is it just me or can I blame the female hormones?

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    Is it just me or can I blame the female hormones?

    Ok so today I was hangin out with my girls all day.
    We had fun and everything was alright.
    At some point in the evenin I started to feel a lil weird not sick but idk, suddenly tired and just not that happy/fun anymore.
    And thats when I started to miss my SO.
    But ok I was like "you'll be home soon talkin to him and itll be fine".
    So I get home and hes not on. I message him on Facebook that Im home and online but he still doesnt get on.
    Than I see his room mate on Facebook and message him (which I usually hate doin cause its a) not like i havent talked to my SO for days and hes lost and b) cause i dont wanna bug his friends and end up bein the psycho girlfriend from europe)
    I didnt ask his friend directly where Chris is but he got it and said that he's there and a few mins later Chris gets on Skype and messages me with a bunch of happiness lol
    Instead of bein happy to have him there to talk to finally I was sorta kinda ignoring it I was like "aha... ok... cool... its ok..."
    After a while he's suddenly off (I was still talkin to his room mate durin the whole time).
    Out of protest I went off as well and stayed on Facebook only (like if he needs me he'll get on FB).
    A lil later I log back on on Skype (out of curiosity) and someone messages me "Chris will brb" and I was like uhm ok?
    When he got back he was all "Im so sorry babe Maddi came over and was surprisin us and I talked to her Im so so so sorry" and all I could say was like "ok lol" and I was thinkin like "whatever..."
    He noticed that somethin was up and asked me if I was mad and I just answered with "no" and than he basically knows that I am mad lol He asked whats up and I just used my co-worker who was bitchin at me and that I wanted to show him somethin but cant now as an excuse and than said he should go hang out if he wants to that I dont wanna keep him from doin that.
    He said I shouldnt worry bout the co-worker and asked if its really ok for me that he goes and made sure that he'll be back later to talk to me.
    And I really didnt care, I actually just wanted him to leave.
    When I said he can go and that I will go to sleep so if he wants he can wake me when he gets on again he said: "i will love, i love you with all mi corazon cause you are the best thing to ever bless my life and i could never ask for more :* ill be back for you amore"
    And I didnt reply.... I just waited for him to leave...

    I was such a bitch And I hate it, I hate it so much when I get pissed at him for no f*ckin reason!
    When he left I felt like shit... First off cause I was bein such a c*nt towards him in some way and than cause I couldnt be there to hang out with them (he said he wanted me to be there with them).
    I hate it so much when Im behaving like this It makes me hate myself so much

    Did this ever happen to you before? That you get mad at your SO for no reason?
    If so would you blame the female hormones for it?

    This happens to me all the freaking time and I'm pretty sure it's a combination of work fatigue, frusteration and hormones. But Obi generally takes it well. I tell him that I'm angry for no reason, or I'm hormonal and that I'm sorry if I say anything. Sometimes I ask for extra attention to cheer me up, sometimes not, but usually he'll drop what he's doing and make it all better, even when I'm irrational.

    But missing him always makes that worse, and I'll lash out more when I finally have his attention, and I know it's daft. I'm trying to bring the other aspects of my life into balance so I don't turn into this crazy psycho, but it's hard some days. So yeah, I think hormones are a big part of it.

    I find the trick is to recognise it when it happens and then do something fun together that is also distracting.
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      Just blame it on the female hormones; guys are harmless against it and can't argue with it, so you may as well...
      Basically, it is you, and you can also blame female hormones as always.
      I do think you should apologize though. Especially since you obviously feel bad about it too.


        ooooh how i can relate to this.....big time. I hate when I get in those stupid mood swings...I can recognize it and sometimes I can't stop it..sort of like I am at least getting attention..."oh honey...what's wrong...." and he is truly focusing on me...pretty messed up when I do it.

        I hope you are feeling better now...and have drifted off to a sweet slumber..I am on my way soon!
        NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


          I hate the mood swings. I get them once in a while and get frustrated over nothing! I just go to sleep and try to sleep it off


            I've definately been im a pretty emotional person anyways so that never helps. My SO like yours always tries to find out whats wrong and whats going on and wants to fix it but its like in that moment I need to be by myself and let the mood pass before it gets way out of hand loool. He understands thankfully and I always apologize immediately when I realize I had an episode. Hope you are feeling better!


              lately, I have been like this also. Like I know that my bf just had surgery and is super tired and what not, but I feel like he is putting me on the back burner and i hate it. Like I feel like he only calls me when its convient for him and its only for a little when we do talk. I don't say anything. I am just like ok, ya, fun. And he does the same thing..he knows when I am not right. I tell him I am fine, and he knows it isn't. I finally open up to him about it..and that I feel like such a B for it...cause i know he is sick and what not and he said it was ok, cause if the roles were reversed he would feel the same way...well guess what? It didn't get any better i still feel bummed out about the whole thing. He calls me, and then says he is tired..and blah, blah, i totally know what you are going through, and I blame it on being a girl also I hope things get better for you.


                omygoodness! we just had an episode like this lastnight! being a girlis so emotional lol. glad to hear im not the only one.


                  LOL i think everyone can think of a time where they had done the same exact thing for no apparent reason its so strange when im like super excited to talk to my SO and then when i start to talk to him i just randomly get pissed off


                    Yep, it definitely happens. Usually I'll tell my SO that I'm in a bad mood, or tired/generally cranky. If he knows this, and continues to want to talk to me, then that's on him. Sometimes he can work me out of the funk but sometimes I just need to go to bed and we'll call it a night. Be honest with your SO, it's totally cool to say, "It's not you, I'm just stressed/tired/cramping/just in a really pissy mood." He'll appreciate it more than you just being bitchy and him trying to figure out what it is he did.
                    "All you need is love, love, love. Love is all you need."


                      ughhh im just like that sometimes and then end up being sad cos hes gone -.- i think its just me pmsing or something...idk sometimes i just get fed up with the distance..


                        currently im PMDDing(its a form of PMS only a little worse) and when im like that my thinking, my moods are everywhere and i get a bit pissy and angry with Denise over nothing, i talk to her about it though and then im fine


                          Oh i know this situation. I am usually getting really mad when he is not there and didn't tell me or he is going out. I want him to go out, but somehow when i really looked forward to talk to him and then he needs to go i get seriously pissed and i am cold to him. And when he asks me, if i want him to stay i say, no, even though it is a big YEEEES. The sad thing about it is, that he would actually stay if i would say yes... but yeah. Me says no.
                          And he tries every time his best to make it better but i usually act so stupid, till he leaves sad and pissed too. Afterwards i regret what i did D:

                          You're really not the only one with those mood swings.


                            Im glad that basically all of you agree X) lol

                            And I did apologize, I said that the thing with my co-worker bugged me a lot and that I went nuts on nothin and he said that it's alright that he understands and that he's not mad


                              It's time for makeup snuggles. Tell him why you were feeling so out of sorts, that the situation and how much you missed him got to you, and you missed him terribly, and then apologize for being so off. Then tell him you need some cuddles. Tadah! Snuggles time!

                              LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

