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Any advice please thanks

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    Any advice please thanks

    I am not sure how to start this. I met this guy before I moved away. I didn't know much about him, but we exchanged numbers. Only texted a few tymes not anything big. I ended up moving away this summer. During the summer we continued to text and get to know one another. With in the last month we have started to develop some feelings for each other. I like him a lot, or what I know about him. He says he likes me back. We have started talking about our future together, and we think it is possible .
    We both have been hurt before. I don't plan on hurting him at all.
    Here's where it gets tricky. He gets mad angry or upset with me if I talk about one friend of mine. He says he's not jealous. But when I was outta service area for my phone he thought I was with this one friend. The next morning he sends me a message saying he needs Tyme to think that he likes me a lot and his feelings r getting stronger and he doesn't know what to do . He didn't text me all day until that evening I texted him asking him if I can call him and talk . We talked and I again reassured him I'm not gonna hurt him. He seemed fine when we got off the phone. The next day he said he wanted to be my man and he doesn't wanna be with anyone else. All was fine until the next day I was going to visit my other friend he lost it again said for me to delete his number and not contact him that he was hurt before by someone he loved and she ended up leaving him for the other guy she broke up with! He said he needed Tyme alone.Of course I texted him told him again I'm not gonna hurt him. He said he was afraid of his feelings for me that he could easily fall in love with me!
    But he keeps running when something goes wrong! He has lots of friends and tonite he went out for coffee hours ago and still not back. And it's 230 am his Tyme.!
    I'm confused why is it ok for him not to answer my texts right away , for him to run everytime something doesn't go right, I have to fight for my say through text after text to reassure him .
    We r over 4000 km away and a 2 hour Tyme difference.
    Please any help or advice would be great thanks

    there can't be one set of rules for you and one for him. You both need to sit down and discuss all this.


      My ex did this too. I guess it's his insecurities, but it's something he has to work on, you can only help him by reassuring him. Have a talk with him and tell him it's not fair to treat you like this just because his ex hurt him and left him. Tell him you are not his ex and you don't plan on leaving him, but his behaviour make it harder for you.


        Originally posted by Missing my baby View Post
        Here's where it gets tricky. He gets mad angry or upset with me if I talk about one friend of mine. He says he's not jealous. But when I was outta service area for my phone he thought I was with this one friend. The next morning he sends me a message saying he needs Tyme to think that he likes me a lot and his feelings r getting stronger and he doesn't know what to do . He didn't text me all day until that evening I texted him asking him if I can call him and talk . We talked and I again reassured him I'm not gonna hurt him. He seemed fine when we got off the phone. The next day he said he wanted to be my man and he doesn't wanna be with anyone else. All was fine until the next day I was going to visit my other friend he lost it again said for me to delete his number and not contact him that he was hurt before by someone he loved and she ended up leaving him for the other guy she broke up with! He said he needed Tyme alone.Of course I texted him told him again I'm not gonna hurt him. He said he was afraid of his feelings for me that he could easily fall in love with me!
        This concerns me. I'm sorry an ex cheated on him but we all have our past issues. This in no way, shape or form gives him the right to have "lost it" and tell you what to do regarding your friend. For him to run away from issues like a child, that's not how an adult should act in a relationship. Communication is key in both LD and CD relationships. Instead you are getting no communication, the behavior of an adolescent and a guilt trip that you shouldn't be dealing with. I'm sure some will think I'm being too harsh but IMHO, I think he's in the complete wrong and that you shouldn't have to deal with that.
        To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

        ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


          if he thinks you are cheating on him every time your phone is out of reach, he is not equipped to be in any sort of relationship. That is pretty fucked up. He should work on his issues, as they are his issues and have nothing to do with you. Perhaps if you can talk together about how to deal with this issue you can have a chance, but he needs to understand that spending time with friends is normal behaviour, and that it is not humanly possible (nor advicible) to be available on the phoneall the time. Is he going to supect you cheating when you go to work meetings, too, or when you can't answer the phone because you are in the gym or paying for your groceries?
          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


            Honestly it sounds like he's controlling to me. I don't think I'd be able to handle my boyfriend getting angry any time I hung out with friends.


              Thank u everyone for ur help it sure gives me something to think about!!

