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no chance of meeting :(

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    So true.


      Since I last posted on this thread I've come to terms with having to work while he visits. We agreed that having two weeks would be better for us, and even settled on dates in January, including back up dates just to be safe. He's given both set of dates to his boss this week, and we're just waiting to hear back. Although I am not able to get very excited about any of this. It took his boss 7 weeks to just give him the print out of available dates. Obviously we don't have this kind of time if we're trying to make his visit for January as things need to be booked ASAP. *sigh*


        After reading through this I'm glad you are going to make it work given the circumstances. Believe it or not, I feel your pain. My boyfriend may not live that far in comparison (5 hours) but he works full-time and goes to grad school full-time. I don't even have a clue the next time I get to see him. School breaks aren't even a certainty because of his job. I hope your dates get finalized soon. Is there a possibility you could get out early any of the days he visits?


          Yea, I agree with everyone else. Try not to be so negative and pessimistic about your time together. Though I do see my SO more than anyone else here since we live very close in comparison to everyone else, it still doesn't change the fact that I barely see him. I'll take the days that I end up hanging out at his house while he's at work for over 8 hours, over not seeing him at all. His job is super stressful, so most of the time, even when he comes home from work, we only spend like an hour or two together before he goes to sleep, while also maybe getting an hour before he goes to work in the morning. It's not much, but like I said, I'll take that over not seeing him at all. Is there a way you could maybe take one day off, or like AWC suggested and maybe get out a little early?

          If you go into this negative, it's going to come out negative. Don't ruin your time together before you've even had it, because you'll be cranky the whole time he's here in the States if you keep thinking the way you've been thinking. Don't sabotage yourself.

