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Spur of the moment travel!

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    Spur of the moment travel!

    Has anyone done this before? I was speaking to my GF last Friday afternoon before work and she said how she was feeling down and that the baby was not well and she needed me. So I said I'll see what I can do.

    I spoke to people at work, finished early and for the first time, just got in the car and off I went, driving 420 miles for nearly 7 hours just so I could be with them. I think it was really appreciated and we had such a lovely time. I ended up staying for around 5 days and drove back last night. I was only planning to stay for around 2 but just rang work in excuses, but they knew were I was and that I was far away so I think they were OK with it.

    So yeah, lovely extended weekend, was so work the long, lonely journey. What makes it better is that it's only a week tomorrow that I will be flying up to see her again which would of been my monthly trip. So excited.

    Has anyone else done this, if it was possible for you to do so?

    Just wanted to share.

    Ah, I would just love to do that. But buying plane tickets takes at least one day and can be then quite expensive. And my schedule is just way too tight. If it was cheaper to buy plane ticket from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon and I wouldn't be so busy, I would do it. ^^

    I'm happy you two had lovely time. At least I'm going to see my SO in a few weeks.


      That's so great! I would definitely do that if I could but sadly I can't afford to fly to NY suddenly! ;-;
      Met: 2.20.10
      Started Dating: 4.22.10
      Been an LDR since: 4.22.10
      First time meeting irl: 6.28.10 - 7.18.10
      Last time I saw my SO: 9.16.10 - 9.22.10
      Closed the Distance: 10.9.10


        I think that is super sweet and a lovely story!

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          Oh goodness. Back when Frank and I were still in college, we were having some major issues and we were both really easily frustrated with each other. We were both extremely stressed with school, especially me - I was at the point where I would be crying after my clinicals - one instructor was super mean towards me even though I was an A student, she was always trying to find something wrong in everything I did.

          The outside stresses in our lives was seriously affecting our relationship and it was making us really sad. We got in a rough spot and we weren't supposed to see each other again for a long time, months.

          We talked on the phone one night and we decided to meet that weekend in Portland, ME. It was a super long drive for Frank, who was traveling from his school in upstate NY. It was just a 3 hour bus ride for me, but I paid for the 2 night hotel stay to even up the costs. So we met up Friday night, and we had to say goodbye Sunday morning. It was such a short visit but it was exactly what we needed. We spent most the time just talking and holding each other. Lots of tears as I talked about school, and I finally felt comforted by him.

          We've had spur of the moment visits since then (for much happier, unexpected occasions) but that one really stands out.
          Read my LDR story!


            I would totally do it...if my guy didn't live in Canada and I in Texas. ^^; but it sounds fun and I'm glad you got to do that~ ;D


              I did something similar we had a visit planned for 3 months after the last time i had seen him and the distance was killing me so as spontaneously as i could be (need to give work two weeks notice for a holiday) i booked the train tickets and visited him for 5 days and it made the world of difference gave us both a lift to get through the next few weeks til we saw each other again. It will be another 2 weeks before i see him again but we are both so excited about it rather than dwelling on the fact that we have been together for so long as it hasnt been tooo long since the last time i visited him.

              Question to you tho if you dont mind Pricey? Is it still hard for you to leave even though you know youll be seeing her again real soon? coz even if i have another visit planned for 6 weeks after i leave it stills tears me up!


                I didn't do this, but my boyfriend did! We got into an argument and when we got off the phone he decided to drove 29 hours to come see me. Crazy!


                  Originally posted by paulawriteslove View Post
                  I didn't do this, but my boyfriend did! We got into an argument and when we got off the phone he decided to drove 29 hours to come see me. Crazy!
                  That is so sweet! youre very lucky


                    Haha wow, that's a long time indeed! Fair play to him!

                    @Talent, of course, tears every time!


                      Me and my SO could, but sadly, we're both boggled down with school and work and are too busy to do so XD
                      It's really sweet that you did that, though! =]

