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Wonder if anyone else experiences the same thing???? :s

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    Wonder if anyone else experiences the same thing???? :s

    Well its a bit hard to explain but ill try.........

    Basically my SO lives in a two bed house with his mum and brother. His mum sleeps in the living room and he and his brother have a room each, but my SOs bedroom is used as a living room for him his bro and mates (who are there every night) All the electronics (xbox, ps3, tv etc...) are in his room. he has a single bed bunk bed thing with a pull out couch underneath, they have been doing this for years before i met him.

    Well what im saying is wen i visit i have my SO to myself during the day(when hes not working) but once his brother is home from work he comes into the room and stays there all night and even his mates come over (dont get me wrong they are lovely blokes) but they dont leave til midnight then my SO has work in the morning so we get like an hour to ourselves for ___ *blushes* and cuddles, When im not around my SOs brother stays in the room til 2 each morning and my SO just goes to sleep while hes in the room. His brother always complains to him about it when he knows im gonna visit especially when its an extended visit.

    Does anyone else have this problem? Its a weird one i know :s

    thanx for any help given

    How would they feel about swapping rooms?? Not sure how often you visit, and it could seem a bit extreme but it may be a possibility?


      I visit every 8 weeks or so, although sometimes he comes to me, My SO has mentioned to his brother about moving the stuff into his room and he always says its a good idea but they never put it into action, i dont mind the boys being their most of the time as they are a good laugh but its just sometimes you just want some alone time, especially the night before i go home. But swapping rooms is a good idea ill mention it to my SO and see if he thinks it will work. Thanx


        I think swapping rooms is a good idea. But I think that you should talk to your SO and tell him that you want time alone. Then he should tell his friends and his brother that he wants alone time with you. They should understand. But if that doesn't work then he should consider swapping rooms for the time being.


          And to add on - I'm kind of surprised he wouldn't put it into action himself. Surely he'd want more -ahem- alone time!

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            When it comes to his family he barely says two words he is very insecure around them. As they are extremely dominant, and self opinionated and he doesnt know how to stand up to them. He has no problem talking to me and in the last 9 months he has got stronger but not strong enough yet. Suppose i just gotta wait til he feels stronger :-S at least hes getting stronger but after 24 years of doing what hes told i suppose its hard to suddenly stand up to them but hes getting more confident.

