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Embarrassed by your LDR?

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    Embarrassed by your LDR?

    Let me start off by saying that I am in no way embarrassed by my relationship - but I have been asked if I am.

    While discussing my love with an old friend I hadn't seen in a while, she of course asked how we met. I proceeded to tell her that we met on Xbox live in 2012 and from there, it's all history. She thought that was really weird and told me that if she was me that she would make up some other story to tell people. Like we met when he was in town on a business trip or something. I just kinda laughed it off and said "yeah, probably easier explaining things that way". But I would never do that. I love that we found love in such a place. We are both avid gamers and it's great knowing we have that in common, and it's what brought up together! If I didn't play video games, I wouldn't have met Kris and wouldn't be madly in no, I won't be making up another story to tell people just so they don't judge me. Judge away...I'm probably in a happier/healthier relationship than 75% of the people I know.

    I'm curious...Anyone else ever deal with this situation? Or ARE you embarrassed to explain your LDR to people?
    Last edited by FloridaLovesChicago; December 1, 2014, 10:50 PM.
    "I ran to him. I dropped my luggage and ran to him. My heart melted in my chest as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I could feel him. I could kiss him. I could smell him. He was real. He was here. He is mine."

    He could be a million miles away...and still be worth every single mile <3

    We met in 2012
    We became a couple in April 2014
    Our lips first met August 8, 2014
    Our beautiful 2nd visit was November 2014
    Hoping to visit again for a New Years kiss
    We'll spend my birthday and Valentines day in each other's arms <3 - Feb 2015
    Our "spring break" in March 2015
    Summer fun - June 2015
    DISNEY WORLD!!! Sept 2015


    I'm not embarrassed anymore. At first, I was, because we met on a dating site. But, now, it's so common that people are like, "OMG good for you!!!" Or, "Those things really work?! Maybe I should try..."


      My SO and I met on a My Little Pony forum. I'm not embarassed by that at all, but he is, at least in front of his family. They are pretty oldfashioned and would scoff at him for liking something intended for girls. To them, we just say we met on a dating site. Once we live together and they visit us, though, they'll just have to deal with pony posters and plushies Friends don't think it's stupid or embarassing though, so that's all good.

      It'll take a lot more than words and guns
      A whole lot more than riches and muscle
      The hands of the many must join as one
      And together we'll cross the river


        We didn't meet online, we met at his workplace when I was travelling there. However, there are some friends who think it is weird that we got attracted without talking much together. And with him declearing boldly towards my whole travel group that I would date him! I guess sometimes you just know. I usually just say we met on holiday. I am not ashamed of anything, exept perhaps that I went on dates as the leader of the group which was bordering unprofessional, but I think I was pretty descreet about it.
        I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
        - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

        "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


          I would not say I am embarrassed but at the same time I have a hard time explaining how I met her (group messaging app). My family and friends are very conservative Christians and they do not all approve of the structure of my relationship or how it started. They view me as "going through a stage". I know I am being judged for my decision to continue this relationship. But honestly, I really don't care. I know I am making the right choice, we belong together. I'm not going to deny this relationship, we may have a less then ideal starting or distance between us, but I love her. These things are a part of OUR story and I would not change them. They make us who we are and that is enough for me.


            I met my guy through a Facebook page, we have the same breed of dog and I admired his dog one day and that's what got us talking. We discovered we had a freaky amount in common and are practically the same age, just a few weeks between us. We would joke we must have been twins in a previous life because we often think the same thing at the same time or text each other at the same time. We were just friends for a long time, I think we were both in denial as a LDR was not what either of us were looking for, neither of us really believed you could fall in love with someone you never met, but eventually we did admit our feelings...

            It's been a long road, we are still yet to meet in person but something my SO always says is that we went into this "ass backwards" (I love that term) and we got to know each other inside first. Tbh we didn't really find each other that attractive, but now I think he's soooo hot and he thinks the same of me too. We swoon like teenagers at each other when we FaceTime, it's really quite pathetic as we are both 41 haha! I just hope there's chemistry when we do finally meet in person. If not, I know I have a friend for life in him. Whatever happens, we met for a reason and we will always have that solid friendship. I know that for sure.

            It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, it's your life, your relationship. As long as you're both happy, it's no one else's business. Don't be embarrassed. The world is changing and people meet in different ways now, it's not always a bad thing. I found out all sorts of things from my SO that would have been difficult to talk about face to face but writing it down or texting it is easier. Personally I feel closer to my SO than I ever did to my (ex) husband.


              I guess since I still have my awkward teenage moments, there are times when people ask and I do kinda worry about what they will say in reaction to me telling them we met on a forum. I'm not embarrassed by how we met or that we're in a long distance relationship or that he's slightly older than me. None of that is embarrassing, I'm just an awkward person at times and when people react negatively to it I usually don't know how to respond and it upsets me. I know I'll eventually grow out of it since I don't really worry about what people say or think anymore, but there are times when people say things that are mean or hurtful that I just can't ignore and get over them easily.


                My husband and I met in Disney world . Some people give me a weird look cuz they think we met while waiting in line for some ride but we both worked there became ffriends and now are married


                  Good! Dont make up another story to tell people. People who havent been in a LDR dont understand and therefore are too quick to judge. And i feel the same way about how im probably in a much happier and healthier relationship than most in person relationship that i know of! I met my SO in Guild Wars 2. Its very nice having something to do that you both know the other loves.


                    I met my SO online and I am not the least bit ashamed of that. Our love story is already a great one and it will be even greater as we take the next step. One day, I imagine us telling our children how we connected over 10000 miles between us and survived 14- 16 + hrs time difference and watch their faces light up with wonder.
                    Met Online : July 2013
                    Met in person : April - May 2014 (3 wks)
                    2nd visit : June - August 2014 (2 months)
                    3rd visit : December - Jan (2wks)
                    Proposal : December 2014
                    Closed distance : February 2015
                    Married : April 5, 2015


                      We've never hidden how we met. We met on when it was myyearbook. I don't even remember how the conversation started - I just knew he had a lot of women vying for his attention and I wasn't going to be one of them. It turned out he didn't want someone who would just fall all over him but instead wanted a friendship first and it went from there.

                      The first time I flew to him was on Valentine's Day. Our waitress was like "wow, you two are a couple in love". She asked how long we'd been together and how we met. It was fun explaining that it was our first meeting, that we'd only been together in person for less than an hour at that point and it was a LDR. She thought it was great. My friends and family are very accepting of the relationship and my SO.
                      To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

                      ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


                        Not only did we meet online but we met online through my ex boyfriend. It's a rather long, confusing story for most. I go back and forth depending on who I am explaining the situation to. Sometimes I say "we met online." Sometimes it is "we met through my ex." I have no shame in either, and I have found that most people don't care how we met and are more interested in the fact that we talked for almost 10 years before we got serious with each other.


                          I was never really ashamed of it, but I knew that my family would not understand it if I told them. They joked about it when I did, but now I simply say we met online through a video game whenever someone asks and I usually get weird looks when I explain that the game was "Zombie Panic" haha

                          Relationship began: 05/22/2012
                          First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
                          Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
                          Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
                          Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
                          Married: 1/24/2015
                          Became Resident: 9/14/2015


                            I guess I just expect people to be more accepting of it. Especially nowadays where it's so common to meet someone online, etc. But I do realize people are judgmental of things they do not understand so if they haven't been through it, I can see them being negative. I'm just a very accepting person I suppose, and I have a hard time with people not being the same way. All I know is that I wouldn't trade my relationship for anything, and I've never been more excited for my future than I am now. Because he's in it. Even if we did meet shooting people in the face, online, while probably screaming obscenities at our televisions
                            "I ran to him. I dropped my luggage and ran to him. My heart melted in my chest as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I could feel him. I could kiss him. I could smell him. He was real. He was here. He is mine."

                            He could be a million miles away...and still be worth every single mile <3

                            We met in 2012
                            We became a couple in April 2014
                            Our lips first met August 8, 2014
                            Our beautiful 2nd visit was November 2014
                            Hoping to visit again for a New Years kiss
                            We'll spend my birthday and Valentines day in each other's arms <3 - Feb 2015
                            Our "spring break" in March 2015
                            Summer fun - June 2015
                            DISNEY WORLD!!! Sept 2015

                            LOVE > DISTANCE
                            QUALITY > CONVENIENCE


                              A little. I kind of expect people to be skeptical about us. Especially since we haven't met in person. But if the topic comes up, I'll usually be honest about it. Most of the people I told were actually pretty supportive, so I guess I just hang around nice people. haha. I feel that once we meet and things become much more concrete, I'll actually be proud that we could have made it work and would happily tell people that we met online on opposite ends of the world.
                              Last edited by Lostviolinist; December 2, 2014, 08:32 PM.
                              First contact: March, 2014
                              Official LDR: June, 2014
                              Married since: August, 2017
                              “有一种幸福就是每天睁开眼睛,就知道你在。” -Xinxin

