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confused and heartbroken :(

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    confused and heartbroken :(

    I met my SO on a dating site and we were just flirting on there for a few days, we exchanged numbers and he came to meet me a week after that I took him around to a few places and we spend a couple of hours just roaming around and having fun. The next day, when he was about to leave to go back to his place, we just felt like we were losing a part of our self and we realized we like each other. Things started out all good with him messaging me every day and talking for hours and one day he said he feels he is in love with me and asked me if I feel it too. And obviously said I did and we became a couple.

    Almost a year later, I went to his state to meet him and he said he really loves me a lot and he took me to meet his parents and family as his friend and things went on really good. Once I got back and with a few months gone by, he started feeling insecure and said I deserve someone better and he feels we wouldn't make it through,I assured him things would be just fine and asked him not to think so much.

    He got busy with work and we didn’t get to spend much time either. Most times I called, he would say he is busy with work or is out with friends else tired, so I would just let it be and when he used to call me or message, we would have awesome fun. We would have movie dates and cooking together and proper ldr fun, he would tell me about the day when he could call me his wife and stuffs but his insecurities would pop up randomly and he would push me away a few days, get into arguments for no reason and not talk to me for days yet he would get back to me and we would go ahead with our relationship.

    A month back, he visited me and got emotional, said he loves me too much and asked me if this ldr is being difficult on me.I said it is being difficult but it’s going to be worth it in the end.Later, he spoke to our friends about our wedding and was too happy about it. He made me way too happy than the other times we had met and before leaving said he doesn’t want me to have any hard feelings and do what I feel is right.

    But a week after he got back, he started acting weird. Said this is not going to work out and he wants to break up, through message. First day he said this ldr is holding both of us back from achieving big in our career, so he wants to break up. We could be in each others life but not in a relationship and said I have loads of awesome people around me who love and care for me and I’m being blind to it, not noticing it because of this relationship. It is being mental torture to him that he can't have me next to him and keep me happy.

    Next day, he said my family would not accept it and he has a feeling we would not work out, and I’m too attached to him. If things don’t work out later then I would be broken and he doesn’t want that happening.Later,said he doesn’t want any relationships and asked me to hate him and move on. When I asked if it's me or the relationship he doesn’t want, he said he is with another girl so he doesn't want me and now I have to hate him because he cheated on me. When I said I don’t believe all that and he is just saying it to push me away, he shouted at me and told me he is never coming back and wants me to move on because I’m too good for him. He unfriended me on facebook and unfollowed me on instagram.Changed his display picture on whatsapp to him being with the girl he told he cheated me on.And its killing me to see that.I am 100% sure he hasn’t cheated because he is a guy who would tell it to my face that he has lost interest on me and move on than cheat behind my back.And it’s a guarantee his bestfriends give me too and said they have never seen him behaving that way with her.

    One of our mutual friend said he's been asking about me ever since that day we broke up and asked her to be with me and make me feel better. When she asked him if he really did cheat on me and is with another girl, he told her that he is single and wants to be that way as long as possible.

    I am confused as to what is even happening? What should I do now? Its been a week since we spoke to each other and there isn’t a single day I don’t think of him.The pain I’m facing now is worse than the pain distance gave me.Please help me.Any advice,words of strength from the ldr couples I would really be grateful for.Have any of you gone through such a phase? What did you do then?

    LD is hard on all of us. I am sorry to hear you broke up. If you both have feelings you might get back together. For now, just focus on taking care of yourself.
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      Originally posted by neha.k View Post

      Next day, he said my family would not accept it and he has a feeling we would not work out, and I’m too attached to him. If things don’t work out later then I would be broken and he doesn’t want that happening.and asked me to hate him and move on. When I asked if it's me or the relationship he doesn’t want, he said he is with another girl Later,said he doesn’t want any relationships so he doesn't want me and now I have to hate him because he cheated on me. When I said I don’t believe all that and he is just saying it to push me away, he shouted at me and told me he is never coming back and wants me to move on because I’m too good for him. He unfriended me on facebook and unfollowed me on instagram.Changed his display picture on whatsapp to him being with the girl he told he cheated me on.And its killing me to see that.I am 100% sure he hasn’t cheated because he is a guy who would tell it to my face that he has lost interest on me and move on than cheat behind my back.And it’s a guarantee his bestfriends give me too and said they have never seen him behaving that way with her.

      One of our mutual friend said he's been asking about me ever since that day we broke up and asked her to be with me and make me feel better. When she asked him if he really did cheat on me and is with another girl, he told her that he is single and wants to be that way as long as possible.

      I am confused as to what is even happening? What should I do now? Its been a week since we spoke to each other and there isn’t a single day I don’t think of him.The pain I’m facing now is worse than the pain distance gave me.Please help me.Any advice,words of strength from the ldr couples I would really be grateful for.Have any of you gone through such a phase? What did you do then?
      As hard as it is, this section tells you all that you need to know. The fact that he wants you to hate him, either did cheat or fabricated it so you would hate him - he wants out. Sometimes people think it will be easier for the person who is getting broken up with if they hate them instead of having them remember all the good memories. You may never know exactly why he had the change of heart but you need to respect that and let him go.

      It will take time. A breakup is hard no matter if you are CD or LD if you are not the one who initiated it. Keep yourself busy. Put away all reminders of him at least for now - pictures, etc. Make an effort to get out with friends. Don't ask mutual friends how he is doing and if they start to talk about him, just let them know that for right now, you need to not hear about him in order for you to be able to start to heal and move forward. It will get better. It won't happen overnight but one day you will be able to think about him without the pain and realize that you have moved on.
      To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

      ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


        Hey,thank u so much for those words.It means a lot to me and yes,i am trying my best to move on and take care of myself.


          I've been in a relationship where my ex would distance himself from me and act cold after he went back to his home from visiting me so I can somewhat understand how you must have felt. It seems that he was having a really difficult time emotionally with the idea of having to be without you and being in an LDR. Maybe he could not figure out how to cope with being so far away and might be harboring a lot of misplaced guilt with "holding you back from living your life." And it also sounds like he wants to come up with a better reason to let you go rather than just ending on good terms because of the distance. This is not your problem, it is his. I know you must be so confused and i'm sorry that he's made you feel that way, but this sounds emotionally toxic and it is probably for the best for you each to move on and focus on rebuilding your mental health. He definitely has some issues that he needs to get over. Don't let this bring you down
          "The Only Heaven I'll Be Sent To,
          Is when I'm Alone With You."

          Met: Sometime in 2016
          Started Relationship: August 9, 2017
          First Visit: December 7, 2017
          Closed the distance: February 9, 2018

