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Activities that are your Thing

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    Activities that are your Thing

    Do you and your SO have an activity that you do that is just "your thing"?

    Judsen and I love to visit breweries. So, whenever we get together we go to a brewery and have a beer. It is fun because it's an adventure each time we go to a new one. Plus, it gives us something to look forward to when we see each other next. Our next one is called Pub Dog and he'll get to visit it with me in October.

    What is your "thing"?
    First date: 12.27.09
    Started the distance: 6.10.10
    Finished the distance: 8.17.12

    J & C

    Well we havent met in person yet so Im not sure what our "thing" is.
    I could imagine travellin as lets say our "thing-to-be" lol
    I once he comes over I want to travel around with him as much as possible. Since Im down in the south of Germany I'm more or less close to everything. I need like 3-4hrs to Paris, and about 7hrs to Italy and Croatia etc
    Not sure if this counts but yea lol


      I don't think we have a "thing" as such. Whenever we are together we just hang out n we like to go out for dinner Or shopping or just cuddle up n watch a DVD or talk so I don't think we have a "thing" exactly.


        I agree with Talent_2, my SO and I just like those normal things. We love to go driving late at night, we also love going to the movies or out for dinner. We love hot tubbing as well!


          We really love to cook together. And we love to take trips together to new places.

          "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
          - A. A. Milne


            Tea parties. No I'm not joking. It's something we enjoy doing together.


              Our Things:
              1. We throw rocks at frozen bodies of water. Or unfrozen ones if the opportunity presents itself. But we actively seek out frozen ones when the weather is cold.
              2. We cook together, and have started to experiment cook.
              3. We challenge each other at game shows, especially Wheel of Fortune, Cash Cab, and Jeopardy. In fact, a Jeopardy challenge is how we got together. That truly is "our thing," from day 1.

              If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                Our "thing" is to "go on an adventure". Usually this entails driving somewhere remote, like a pretty back road, and stopping the car for an hour or so while he reads to me, then we'll drive somewhere else so I have something new to stare at, and he'll read some more. If the opportunity is there, we'll get out and read, like if it's a beach, lake, park or whatever. We once hiked up to a waterfall and he read to me while we put our feet in a quiet pool.
                Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                  Yeah, I agree with Talent_2 as well. We like walking, going out to eat, watching movies together, stuff like that.


                    We don't really have "our thing". Maybe "our thing" is sitting cuddling and watching DVD Boxsets when we're together, I'm not sure.


                      I think that would be so much fun! There's no way I could get my S.O. to drink out of a teacup though.
                      First date: 12.27.09
                      Started the distance: 6.10.10
                      Finished the distance: 8.17.12

                      J & C



                        Go for walks... maybe. We both love that.
                        So don't think we've been together a day and not have gone for a walk... a short one at least.


                          Originally posted by leonina View Post
                          I think that would be so much fun! There's no way I could get my S.O. to drink out of a teacup though.
                          He drinks out a mug, I have an antique tea cup. I'm trying to find him one, though, as a Christmas gift since I think it just makes the experience better. You feel so more 'refined' when you sip out a tea cup and saucer than if you were gulping from a mug.


                            hmmmm....our thing does involve just the usual day to day stuff...because when I get to be with feels like I am doing it all for the first's all exciting and brand new... I know...corny!
                            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                              We loveee going bowling!!!!

