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Help me to fix relationship

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    Help me to fix relationship

    I am 20, male. I am Japanese. I had a girlfriend 23 years old and American. She was living in Japan until last August, and we met there. Then, she went back to the US. We had been apart from each other 4 months. I just moved to the US to study abroad. But she lives in NJ, and I live in WA. We had been together about 9 months before she left Japan.
    I spent Christmas with her family, and she told me she doesn't love me as a boyfriend anymore then. She said since we had been apart each other, she couldn't feel close to me, and she grew to feel differently about me.
    Actually, we didn't text a lot when I was in Japan after she left there because we had 13 hours time differences. When I was awake, she was sleeping.
    She said long distance and that she changed and that she's finding a full-time job now are the reason she can't love me. She doesn't feel romantic feelings to me now.

    I want to fix our relationship. I really love her. We are continue texting. Last night, she said she likes texting me, but she doesn't feel free to text as she used to be.
    I don't really know what to do to fix our relationship. Should I stop texting for a while?

    This might be harsh... but what relationship? She said very specifically that she doesn't want to be with you. In my opinion it sounds like you deserve better. You deserve someone who'd be willing to get over these obstacles. It's understandable to be busy, but we all are- yet we still find time for SO's and we still love them, distance, jobs, business and all.
    "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


      She has ended the relationship. She was honest with you and you need to respect that. There isn't a relationship to fix as it's over. As hard as it may be, it is a good thing that she told you the truth and didn't lead you on.

      If you are finding it too hard to continue texting with her, you have every right to tell her that you need space to process this and not text for awhile. I wouldn't suggest concentrating on ways to get her back. You need to focus on you and moving forward with your life without her being a romantic partner any longer.
      To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

      ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


        I know sometimes it is black and white, but in other cases it can be grey.

        If you are still talking about the two of you, rather than just chatting as friends there may still be a glimmer of hope, but I think in essence she is not happy with an LDR, and if that is the case, then you are out of luck.


          I'm sorry but there is nothing to fix here. She doesn't think of you that way anymore.

          It seems like she still wants to be friends, whether that's doable or not I don't know. It wouldn't be for me. I think if my SO told me he just wanted to be friends there is no way I could handle it, I'd have to completely cut him out because no way could I deal with that kind of pain.

          I hope you find peace and discover what's best for you.


            Give her some space. don't text her at all, don't answer her text when she send u one.
            by doing this u are also doing a favour for yourself, use this space to go out and hang out with friends or travel or do anything u love.
            if she's not looking for u even after one month, I guess u should just accept the fact that she doesn't want to be with u anymore.
            Not everyone can deal with LDR. It happened to me before.

