So, my sister phoned up twice today--the first time I answered and the second time (later) my Mom answered. Then, my Mom went to another room, saying "Oh, yes, we can go to another room if you have private things to discuss." Suspicious! Seriously, my birthday is coming up soon and I tried really hard not to snoop. After, though, I went to my Mom and was pestering her about it and she asked if I liked surprises or if I like to plan things (since she gave away as much with her face that it was about my birthday). I answer that I like surprises if they are small to medium-sized, but if it is something big that I would prefer to plan and know ahead. I also said that if there is any sort of surprise party going down, that I don't want to have like...hairy legs and be lounging around in my baggiest pjs with no make-up on, particularly if there are pictures involved. My Mom won't tell me, because she says that she would be in "someone's dog box" (she didn't say my sister, mind), but all her responses and acknowledgements (e.g. "I know that your appearance is important to you" and "This is a pretty big surprise to me, too") suggest that this isn't a surprise party...I think my SO is planning to surprise visit me on my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!
Ahhh! That's cool, but I'm all fat from sitting around all summer...and...and...
So, my sister phoned up twice today--the first time I answered and the second time (later) my Mom answered. Then, my Mom went to another room, saying "Oh, yes, we can go to another room if you have private things to discuss." Suspicious! Seriously, my birthday is coming up soon and I tried really hard not to snoop. After, though, I went to my Mom and was pestering her about it and she asked if I liked surprises or if I like to plan things (since she gave away as much with her face that it was about my birthday). I answer that I like surprises if they are small to medium-sized, but if it is something big that I would prefer to plan and know ahead. I also said that if there is any sort of surprise party going down, that I don't want to have like...hairy legs and be lounging around in my baggiest pjs with no make-up on, particularly if there are pictures involved. My Mom won't tell me, because she says that she would be in "someone's dog box" (she didn't say my sister, mind), but all her responses and acknowledgements (e.g. "I know that your appearance is important to you" and "This is a pretty big surprise to me, too") suggest that this isn't a surprise party...I think my SO is planning to surprise visit me on my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!
