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    Last night Ryan told me that he would love to come up here and spend Thanksgiving with my family I asked my parents and they said 'no problem.' They're actually really excited. I'm so lucky that my parents love Ryan! The only problem that I have to figure out is how to get off work. I work at my family owned butcher & deli store. The week of Thanksgiving one of the busiest weeks of the year. (meaning I have to work at least 1-2 days) Everyone in my family works! (including my Grandpa!) I kind of asked my dad about it last night and he said that Ryan could work and carry out Turkey's for the old lady's and stuff. And the weird part is that Ryan wants to work and hangout with my family! But any who, I don't mind working a little bit while Ryan's here. As long as I spend time with him that's all that matters. I'm just so excited! I hope his work lets him take off and that his family doesn't mind that he wants to go up. I'm just sooo excited!!! *jumps around*

    Congrats!! That's great news, you'll have a blast
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      Great news!!!! I am excited for yoU!
      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        How exciting.


          Thanks everyone! I'm super excited! I hope everything works out


            You're so lucky! I wanted my SO to come up for Thanksgiving, but we got Christmas instead. Congrats, I'm excited for you


              That's a great time to spend with your SO's family, I think, since it's a huge family holiday, more so than Christmas. And it's good he's willing to help out a bit so at least it will be like he truly is part of the family!


                yay!! So happy for you ^__^ Im sure it'll work out somehow


                  I think that's really awesome - he must officially be part of the family now! You better tell us how it goes hehe.

                  LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                    Aww, yay!
                    That's great to hear, Paula! I hope everything works out =]

