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He's talking about moving back...

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    He's talking about moving back...

    He has only been gone 7 weeks and he is so unhappy waiting for things to work out he is already contemplating coming back. As much as I miss him madly, I know that this is not the right decision for us and our future. He is frustrated because he cannot find a job for much over min wage in his field even with a college degree. He was offered just about every position he interviewed and eventually took one, but with the pay there is no way that he is going to be able to find a place to live. He is staying at his parent's tiny house right now and his father run's a home business. This does not mix well with his 3rd shift job to say the least.

    I really want him to hold out for a good job there. I need to start our future far far away from here. As much as I love him and miss him, I know that if he were to come back here and we got a place of our own (I have two housemates currently) eventually the people from my past would find a way to make me miserable because I managed to find some happiness.

    I don't know what to tell him. He is absolutely miserable there, but I know once he finds a good job it will solve all his problems. He will be out of his parent's house and I will be able to move down sooner. Yes, I am pretty darn unhappy right now as well... But I know that eventually everything will come together, just maybe not as soon as we had hoped.

    Jobs these days are hard to come by. For someone in their prime it could take months, even a year or so to find something above money-scraping pay, even with a degree. Just try to support him and be super positive, maybe even help him look for jobs via those online job searches. Nothing lasts forever, but if he's truly and unbearably miserable, then you can't really make him stay there.


      awww well right now its hard to find any job due to the economy, he'll eventually get a better one but its gonna take some time, just try and comfort him the best you possibly can


        People might be undercutting him because of the current economy panic. I've found that this is unfortunately common.

        I don't think moving away will solve all of your problems, but I hope it gives you the fresh start you're yearning for.

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          The only thing at this point you can do is to offer him lots of support and encouragement...while it would be so easy to say "yay come home!" you said it is not the best thing for your future.

          Here's to hoping he finds a good job soon!!!
          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


            Well, we talked today and he is in much better spirits. I guess he was just really overwhelmed yesterday. He realizes that he was being impatient and that he needs to wait it out.


              I'm glad to hear that he realizes that he was being impatient. The best thing you can do is just be there to support him. Best of luck!

