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Boyfriend can be rude to me sometimes

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    Maybe your SO just really doesn't like public display of affection, have you talked about this? I have dated a guy who was super sweet to me in private, but rather distant when we were around other people, just because he hates seeing PDA an wouldn't want to make other people feel weird.
    I think this is something you two need to talk about and I think the fact that he doesn't take things like these more easily is because you are not bringing them up more often!
    At first, when my man told me I did something that hurt him or he thought was weird, I got really upset, I hated myself, but now we're at the point where he can bring up what bothers him and I listen and take it as "this is my line, please don't cross it" rather than "I wish you weren't such a shitty girlfriend".

    Relationship began: 05/22/2012
    First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
    Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
    Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
    Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
    Married: 1/24/2015
    Became Resident: 9/14/2015


      Originally posted by merlinkitty View Post
      This maybe my own personal shell shock to my ex responding so please feel free to ignore what I'm going to say if you feel it doesn't apply. For 9 years he would say stuff to me in public that would embarrass the heck out of me. He would be really nasty to me in private and say things that chipped away at my ego since I was so wanting to please. He pointed out ways I was deficient and treated me almost as a distant friend in public. I hated bringing this up because I didn't want to argue. But even when I did he wouldn't listen and would keep it up.

      The important piece of this story for you is he wouldn't listen. And it never changed. If he's treating you like this now, he will treat you like this after marriage. People can change but it's less likely if they're already not listening.

      I can't add much the others haven't said, but tell you I understand your not wanting to argue, especially long distance. Here's one thing though. It's not an argument if you two can discuss. If one person gets offended and then defensive then they're the one who's this turned it into an argument. Just be aware of how he deals with conflict. Because these things typically don't change either. Take care.
      SAMESIES. Mine wouldn't even hold my hand in public. He'd hold it for a little bit in the parking lot of wherever we were and once we got inside, he'd drop my hand. He'd also flirt with other girls. Yayyy.

