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Feeling very sad.....

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    Feeling very sad.....

    I am so fed up at the moment. It's been a really busy week and I haven't been able to speak to my SO much. The last two nights I've had to go to sleep without saying goodnight to him first because he's been v busy at work and I do get that, I'm fine with it but I miss my goodnight kisses! He text me when he got in last night but looking at the time of it this morning he literally missed me by minutes. I text him to say in was in bed and feeling sleepy and if I missed his text/call, I love him and miss him and he replied 20 mins later, I'd obviously gone into a deep sleep by then. To make this worse, he's obviously fallen asleep early last night because I've woken to no good morning text from him either...

    To add to this we were let down by the postal system very badly. It took over two weeks for my valentine parcel to get there and I'm still waiting for mine, despite him paying extra to express it. It seems as if it is lost. I am gutted!!! These things mean the world to me and if it's missing I would be so sad.

    My kids are with their dad this week and I've missed them so much, the house is so quiet and I hate it.

    Ugh... I hate feeling so down! I'm such a happy positive person usually, I'm really busy and keeping myself active but sometimes the time zone and the distance really kick my arse.... hard!!!!

    I just want to cry!!!

    As you said to me before 'Chin up chuck'

    Sending thing to and from the US can be funny, customs can add delays and things appear so much later than you thought would be possible - think of it as a double surprise when it finally appears, but don't dwell on it too much.

    Don't beat yourself up about being tired either... yes you missed him, but the sleep was probably more important by the sound of it, and when less tired I am sure your positivity will be back again!


      Originally posted by p_b82 View Post
      As you said to me before 'Chin up chuck'
      My mum and dad use this expression with me sometimes. To both I would say the following, "Always look on the bright side of life." *whistling*

      Sleep's way more important, 'cause no one likes a grumpy grouch. I'm sure your SO understood, Unicorn.


        I agree. Chin up sweety, I know it seems glum now but you'll establish your regular communication again and I'm sure your parcel will turn up.


          I'm always worse when my daughter is with her Dad too, going from being super busy to a quiet house is an awful feeling without having to deal with the emotions of a LDR too.


            Originally posted by Unicorn26 View Post
            I am so fed up at the moment. It's been a really busy week and I haven't been able to speak to my SO much. The last two nights I've had to go to sleep without saying goodnight to him first because he's been v busy at work and I do get that, I'm fine with it but I miss my goodnight kisses! He text me when he got in last night but looking at the time of it this morning he literally missed me by minutes. I text him to say in was in bed and feeling sleepy and if I missed his text/call, I love him and miss him and he replied 20 mins later, I'd obviously gone into a deep sleep by then. To make this worse, he's obviously fallen asleep early last night because I've woken to no good morning text from him either...

            To add to this we were let down by the postal system very badly. It took over two weeks for my valentine parcel to get there and I'm still waiting for mine, despite him paying extra to express it. It seems as if it is lost. I am gutted!!! These things mean the world to me and if it's missing I would be so sad.

            My kids are with their dad this week and I've missed them so much, the house is so quiet and I hate it.

            Ugh... I hate feeling so down! I'm such a happy positive person usually, I'm really busy and keeping myself active but sometimes the time zone and the distance really kick my arse.... hard!!!!

            I just want to cry!!!
            Omg this sounds just like me. It's been so long since me and my SO have said good night or good morning to each other because of his job and our new sleeping schedules. I hate it so much that I wanna cry too. I'm also the victim of a postal system let down. I still didn't get my Valentine's Day present from him yet. It's so late that I get worried that it got lost somewhere. I'm here with you OP and if you want we could cry together lol Let's keep our heads up high


              I hear you, I haven't had a good long conversation or Skype session with my SO in a while. The longer it is the sadder I get, I know he's trying, but with both of us in school and working, it's hard. Sometimes I get so sad I start to overthink, never good. =(

              Just keep your head up =)
              "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


                I am sorry to hear you are having a rough week, but don't worry. I can't say I am having a good week either.

                I have been feeling "bleh/terrible" nearly everyday. Just relax and hang in there! Now that it js the weekend I am sure you guys can share more time together.


                  Thank you everyone.

                  He got called into work today so no calls tonight. Also he's working tomorrow so no calls tomorrow either. It just sucks.

                  I made him the 52 reasons card deck for v day and he absolutely loved it. I want to ask him which reason he liked best, which one surprised him most etc... And my parcel still isn't here! I think it's lost. It was tracked but he threw the receipt away by accident, silly boy lol!

                  I'm sorry there are others out there going through this too, it's just really pants sometimes!!! I'm glad you guys are here though, and you understand. It means a lot. Peace and love people xxx


                    Yeah I know how you feel about the stress, I am nearing the end of getting my visa to go be with my fiance and we had planned I would be there in January, but now it is going to be March. It has been a long road as I had a delay with paperwork. My So and I talk usually every few days on Skype now as he works the night shift at work and so when I am awake he is sleeping usually and when I go to bed he is at work. We usually manage goodnight messages but we don't do good morning messages like we used to which I really miss sometimes, we used to also send good morning voice recordings but that stopped as well. All due to the fact my Fiance went through a rough patch for a few months and that he does night shift now in his new job. But I have got used to it and I understand why, just sometimes when I feel down and lonely I do miss when we used to. Luckily we are closing the distance next month so that keeps me feeling upbeat and positive.


                      That's great you're closing the distance next month, I'm so happy for you! I'm yet to meet my SO in person. Being a little older and having a young family (an obsessive soon to be ex husband) and other commitments meant that things have been extremely difficult and very complicated....

                      Right now all we are doing are concentrating on is trying to get a date together when he can come over and visit me here. We are taking this one step at a time, but wow I miss him!!! He ended up doing a double shift yesterday so I didn't get to speak to him when he finished work. He literally ran home, ate and went back to work. He didn't finish till 3.30am then had to open up the bar again at 8.00am. I worry about him getting so over tired as he used to work on the stock exchange and had burnout which caused him to suffer anxiety attacks. They get bad when he's over done it, I hope he's going to be ok. I hate the distance sometimes I really do!!!


                        We all hate the distance. I know I worry about my SO having somethin happen to him, but that's also me just over-thinking EVERYTHING. Lol I try to take my mind off of it. He finally got ahold of me, his phone is being ridiculous. Me and his phone need to have an important talk >_<
                        Good news, we should be talking more regularly =)
                        "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


                          That's good Unconditional. Damn technology!!!!


                            Don't feel sorry or silly for being upset! We've all been there! Frankly, it would definitely upset me too (and has in the past).

