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Super Commuting

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    Super Commuting

    It has a name! I've been searching all over trying to find people talking about doing what I'm about to start doing, and I really couldn't. Until I found the term super commuting. Now I've found lots of articles and books, but not really any people actually just talking about it. Maybe some of you are doing this too?

    Apparently 2 definitions exist for a super-commuter: someone who travels at least 90 miles from home to work or someone who travels at least 180 miles from home to work.

    I fit the first, almost the second. Home to work is 149.2 miles. I leave to start work tomorrow.

    My current plan is to drive over every Sunday evening or maybe Monday morning (would have to leave at 4am) and stay somewhere through airbnb -- good way to get a short term roommate for cheap. I'll come home on Friday afternoons and get to spend the weekends at home with my husband and kitties. We're hoping that once I save up some money (and get past the probationary period in my new job), we can both move out there together (around 6 months or so).

    Is anyone else here doing something like this? Any experiences and tips?
    Met online: Nov 2010 - Met in person: Nov 20, 2010
    Closed the distance: April 27, 2011
    Accepted to PhD program 200 miles away: March 2012
    LD again: July 24, 2012
    Left School and Closed the Distance for good: March 8, 2013
    Married: November 1, 2014
    Started job 200 miles away: February 23, 2015

    Nope, but good luck with it! That's tough stuff, maybe as much as LD, I hope it goes quickly for you.
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      Originally posted by Moon View Post
      Nope, but good luck with it! That's tough stuff, maybe as much as LD, I hope it goes quickly for you.
      I haven't heard of it either but good luck


        I guess I was technically "super commuting" for a few months... Between home, work, and work. Every other week I was flying from Dallas, TX to LAX. Flight out really early Monday am, then back again Friday about noon. Plus a 2 hour time difference... Every other week. It was okay for the first like, 2 weeks. Then it got old, and I missed my kitties. My now husband was living in Indiana, so I didn't see him anyway.

        2016 Goal: Buy a house.
        Progress: Complete!

        2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
        Progress: Working on it.


          My SO lives 2.5 hours away, I tell him that he should just move here and commute to work but he doesn't seem to be a fan for some reason


            I hadn't heard of the term either... although I do hope you manage to get some cheap rates on airBnB. I used it to book a few days for next weekend and I couldn't do it long term. But maybe it was just the area I looked at.
            So, here you are
            too foreign for home
            too foreign for here.
            Never enough for both.

            Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


              Sounds tough, best of luck with making it work!

              It'll take a lot more than words and guns
              A whole lot more than riches and muscle
              The hands of the many must join as one
              And together we'll cross the river


                Yep. Been there done that. When I was first married my husbands work was 150 miles away. He stayed up there during the week and came home every weekend. It was ok, very expensive but the distance made our hearts fonder.

                We've since separated and are divorcing but that had nothing to do with the super commute! Good lick, if your relationship is strong you will be fine.


                  I currently live about 50miles away from my university. It takes about 1.5h to get there (door to door). I only have classes two or three days a week, so I commute, but it's really really inconvenient. My earliest class was at 7:30am and I had to leave my house at 5:15 to be on time.

                  It sucks to be away from your SO all week, but if it's only temporarily and you have the option of moving to the new city together, then it's doable.

                  Congrats on finding a job, btw

                  Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                    I work with someone who lives an hour away from our school, drives every day. My SO works with people who drive 1.5-2 hours each way! I couldn't imagine commuting that much. I'd probably do 45 minutes tops.

                    Anyways, best of luck!


                      Never heard of the term, though I wish you the best of luck


                        Think we refer to it as weekly commuting here in the UK - when the distance is so great that it is just not practical to do it every day... Got a friend who is doing it at the moment.

                        My job has me doing that tho in effect when it is busy, for a 6 month period, I was in a different european city every week for 6 months. Living out of hotels and only home for a few hours on a weekend is exhausting - was one of the factors that ended my CD relationship. (would wake up 4am monday, drive 2hrs to the airport, fly to the client - return home 10-12midnight friday night).

                        For me though a time limit would be 1.5hrs on a commute each way per day - it is one of the reasons I work from home, and rarely go to our office, as that is 2.15hrs each way (even if only just over 100 miles)

