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Should We Pursue It?

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    I agree with previous posters that it's definitely worth attempting the relationship. Not giving it a go because you're worried about getting hurt, is like saying "I'm not going to try drive this car/climb this tree/swim in the ocean, I might get hurt". Life is all about risks, we take them every single day, multiple times a day, often without even realising. If I wanted to be with someone who wanted to be with me, I would never say no to that. Could you get hurt? Of course you could, but you can get hurt in any relationship, but you never know if you will until you give it a go.
    Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
    First met: June 13th 2006


      I had the same thoughts when I was talking to my SO as we started as friends. I decided I didn't want to look back on it and wonder what if, we were over 2,500kms away so the distance was my worry. I'm so glad I took the risk as he's made my life happier than I ever could have imagined. At the end of the day you can either look at this as a lost opportunity or possibly the best thing yet to happen. If it doesn't work, chalk it down to experience. So few people find their souls mate or other half, isn't it worth seeing if this guy is yours? That would be a stone I couldn't risk leaving unturned. But I guess it's your call to make in the end. Good luck


        Originally posted by Redheart14 View Post
        I had the same thoughts when I was talking to my SO as we started as friends. I decided I didn't want to look back on it and wonder what if, we were over 2,500kms away so the distance was my worry. I'm so glad I took the risk as he's made my life happier than I ever could have imagined. At the end of the day you can either look at this as a lost opportunity or possibly the best thing yet to happen. If it doesn't work, chalk it down to experience. So few people find their souls mate or other half, isn't it worth seeing if this guy is yours? That would be a stone I couldn't risk leaving unturned. But I guess it's your call to make in the end. Good luck
        Thank you for your post. I think my friend and I have made the decision to not form a relationship, but make a commitment to one another for when the time is more right, and possible.

