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    Awwwww no

    I' so sorry to hear this

    I hope you can get this sorted out and it's just circumstances out of his control or something that's caused this to happen. Best of luck.
    In a relationship with

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      Hold up, WHAT?! He's not seen it? How did I miss that?! I'm so sorry! That's odd and certainly rude of him (if he doesn't have a legitimate excuse...). I think your letter was brilliant. Couldn't have worded it better. I really hope he gets his priorities straight soon! I hope you're doing okay...


        Originally posted by Roberta View Post
        Yes, it does. x_x I had to make one for biology class in 9th grade, and my partner didn't show up so I basically did the whole thing by myself. It took fooooreeeever! And it's even harder without a tripod but fcbella made it work very nicely. =)
        Yes indeed! I thought it was awesome.


          So... I changed my facebook status to single. lol, so funny how modern day technology has set that to be such a huge thing!

          I know it's been only a short time since I sent the email, but like I said previously we have had communication problems in the past (including an entire month where he basically fell off the face of the earth last summer and didn't contact me whatsoever. I considered myself single then until he contacted me.. why oh why I took him back I'll never know. Gotta love the things we do for love!). He as an Iphone, as do I... so I know he has read the email as well as seen my facebook status change.

          The fact that it's 2 days after Valentines and he has yet to talk to me about the issue is a no go for me. I have continuously tried to make our relationship work, and well.. I shouldn't HAVE to make it work! Equal amounts of effort should be put by both parties.

          A big part of me still wants to hear from Steve, just so I can hear his side of the story and truly get a sense of how he was feeling in our relationship.Closure is always nice.

          Although a small part of me hopes he doesn't contact me. I'm just scared I'll settle for w/e answer he gives me and be stuck in the same position a couple months from now. I've already decided when/if I do hear from him.. I won't say yes, I won't say no... I'll just take the response and show a couple 'outsiders' to get their opinion on it. Always great to get an opinion from someone not emotionally attached. So be prepared for another opinion request. lol

          I'm a firm believer of things happen for a reason, so I'm not the type of girl to get insanely upset over a breakup. I'm moving to a new apartment in a week (same building, but I'll have a balcony and save more money each month!) and apparently there is a single guy beside me, as well as another single guy in the apartment below me. lol I'm not saying that's what I'm looking for... I'm definitely not having a relationship for quite a while, but it's just fun waiting for what fate has hiding around the next corner

          Thanks again for all your support guys! I truly think of you all as friends <3
          Just be glad we made it here alive
          On a spinning ball in the middle of space


            You rock, girl! I wish i could be that strong. I totally know what you mean by being torn into two - wanting and not wanting him to contact you. We'll be waiting with you for his excuse and whenever he decides to come up with one (well, he better!) we are here to tell you what we think. (although... we are a little biased ... you know, you're a part of our LFAD family!)

            "Equal amounts of effort should be put by both parties." - this is so true. just try to remember that, even if he talks to you and you're feeling like you're gonna do the same thing you did over 2 months ago. Guys tend to be PERFECT, when the ground is moving beneath their feet... but remember also, that even though you had communication issues in the past, this time it may not be entirely his fault. But hey, you'll decide on that when you hear from him.

            New apartment sounds exciting. I love moving to new places, even if its in the same building - still, you get to organise everything right from the start
            well.. single guys you say... but who speaks of a relationship ? ;D

            Best wishes for you, fcbella!


              Originally posted by aggie View Post
              (although... we are a little biased ... you know, you're a part of our LFAD family!)

              Best wishes for you, fcbella!
              I think Aggie said it perfectly.


                I'm pretty sure your head's on straight. I'm so impressed with how strong you are about it all! I'd be crumbling like a child... Any who, you know you've always got our support and, like aggie said, our biased opinions.


                  Have to say you're taking all this extremely well! Thumbs up and I hope you get everything set straight for you - being surrounded by single guys can definitely be... interesting lol


                    I'm a firm believer of things happen for a reason, so I'm not the type of girl to get insanely upset over a breakup.
                    Awesome attitude! =D I totally agree with this statement, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be as strong as you are. It sounds like a lot of good changes are coming your way. =)


                      fcbella, you're really awesome. Just thought I'd put it out there.


                        You are such a strong, creative individual.
                        ....You go, girl!


                          I thank you guys so so much for your kind words!<3

                          I don't want my 'strength' to give off the feeling like I didn't love Steve that much. I'm sure none of you are thinking that, but some new folks who don't "know" me may get that feeling. Steve is such a truly fantastic guy. I love him so so much, I do know he's that one guy I will always love, but...... I love myself more.

                          As our relationship continued I just started to notice the person Steve was becoming. Whether it just be a temporary characteristic flaw for him, or just his true character showing.. I'll never know. I just simply know that I don't want those small characteristics that he is developing.

                          Some people I know say "just give it time, I'm sure things will get back to normal"... but I take that as waiting for change. When something is truly not making you happy as a person, and you have told your partner this many times and it still hasn't changed... it won't change. Maybe things will be amazing for 2 wks, or 2 mths... but if it's part of their character it will sadly always return.

                          I still have yet to hear from Steve. The small part of me that didn't want to hear from him is starting to get larger and larger as time goes on. lol. I'm no longer scared of 'falling back into a trap'.. because I will not let myself do that again. I'm more scared of seeing him upset. I just don't want to see my decision cause him pain. (odd, as he technically was the one to cause the pain in the first place. I just never want to see someone I love hurt.)

                          lol... As I read this I realize I am 'ranting' a bit. As strong as I am, sometimes it's just nice to see thoughts written down. Reinforces my beliefs

                          I'll keep you all posted in case Steve does decide to be respectful and at least have that final conversation. Then again, if it doesn't happen I won't be upset
                          Last edited by fcbella; February 17, 2010, 10:24 PM.
                          Just be glad we made it here alive
                          On a spinning ball in the middle of space


                            I'm sure no-one questions your love for Steve, you 2 were together for a long time so there's definitely strong feelings involved in both sides... It does seem odd that he would stop keep in touch with you just like that after so long. But maybe it's his way of dealing with everything.

                            We all wish we had your strenght, as many have said already we wouldn't take it as great as you have. I envy you a little

                            Best wishes and no matter what happens don't break up with us!


                              He sounds like a strange person, and you sound like a strong minded one. Not just that! But I think you know you'll be fine. So do we, but we like to be here for people.

