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Stupid Mail!!! Stupid Time Zone!!!

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    Stupid Mail!!! Stupid Time Zone!!!


    My valentines card has STILL not arrived.

    My gorgeous and amazing SO posted it way before the big day and paid extra postage ($46) to get it expressed and tracked so it got here on time. He checked with USPS the other day and it made it to Heathrow Airport London on 14th (it got held up in New York due to bad weather) but since then it has disappeared.

    I have contacted Royal Mail and they say it did not arrive at Heathrow or if it did, it didn't get transferred properly. I am tearing my hair out here, I have called the resolution centre and they said I need to contact USPS...

    I am soooooo frustrated! My poor baby paid all that money for nothing. This is the second time Royal Mail have messed up, once when we were first together he sent me a gift worth $200 and they lost it. He never got the money back. I'm so fed up. This card was priceless to me. I am gutted.

    Stupid time zone means I have to wait till much later to talk to him about it because he's at work today. Ugh. I just want to see his loving words to me in his handwriting.

    If anyone has any ideas of where to go from here please let me know, I am so sad about this....

    Thank you xxx

    I'm really sorry that happened! Remember though - At all times, a gift is just an expression of the feelings your SO has to for you. It's very nice to get, but whether you get the card or gift doesn't say how much your SO loves you. The mail screwing up doesn't change anything for your relationship. It feels terrible now, but that will pass. Sorry that happened, but you can look forward!

    It'll take a lot more than words and guns
    A whole lot more than riches and muscle
    The hands of the many must join as one
    And together we'll cross the river


      I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, I don't have any ideas on what to do next. I've sent my SO three parcels and none arrived. One of them was a photo album for our first anniversary. It's soooo annoying, I know how you feel. Hope it will still find its way to you somehow. But like Miasmata said, at the end of the day it's just a gift and from what I've read in your other threads, your SO makes sure you know how much he loves you in other ways too


        There is a reason people refer to it as Royal Fail. I would stop sending expensive things through the mail or opt to go with fedex or UPS instead.


          Thank you abna1 he really does. He's really self conscious about his handwriting, he thinks it's messy but I can read it just fine. He's not sent me many cards because of this so anything I get is really precious to me. He said in this card he wrote loads too.... Aarrrghh!!!

          I text him this morning and asked him it call me when he got to work. He facetimed me and I really wasn't ready for it lol! It was great to see him tho. I wasn't expecting that so it was really nice. He asked me for the details of parcel force here and he's going to see of he can sort it out today, if not tomorrow.

          It's very frustrating. I could understand something going missing if it's to a less developed country but USA to UK on an expressed tracked service is really poor...


            Yep the Royal Mail is crap and has gone rapidly downhill since they got privatised. I've had so much stuff go missing from within the UK as well as stuff from my SO. They are also notoriously bad for accepting any responsibility so good luck!


              It's so irritating!!! It's only a card but his words are priceless. We've stopped sending anything remotely valuable as they seem to go missing as a matter of course.

              I read the other day half a million items go missing per week in the UK, it's a joke!!!!!


                it is probably in a long queue in customs and it is a 'black hole' they have to scan things and often they take ages to come out this hole - things imported from the US go through a lot more checks than things that go the other way - or come from Europe.

                slightly surprised for just a card though, but still sucks - it will probably appear in due course when you have forgotten and written it off....

                some of the independent mail firms are worse than royal mail though, which is even scarier!


                  Yes for a parcel, I could kind of understand it. We've had problems before with parcels coming over from USA so I've told him to stop sending them.

                  It's just really crap service. It's bad enough that he had to pay almost $50 so it would get here on time and be tracked, it arrives at Heathrow then it gets lost by Royal Mail... They are a joke!


                    I agree with Miasmata. It's really nice to get a gift from your SO but it's not actually the gift that matters. It's the fact that he got you a gift at all. That itself is the meaning of his love


                      Oh yes I totally agree. I am the most non materialistic person ever, I've told him I don't want him to buy me anything, but just to hold something he has written for me just means the world.

                      We have no date to meet yet which totally does my head in. It can't be helped for now, I'm having major problems with my ex and him coming over would make things much worse. We may not be able to meet until my divorce is settled and final and that can take ages in the UK. He is soooooooo worth the wait though.

                      I will get over this lost card. I'm just fed up, frustrated and cross. And I want my man to get his dollars back.


                        This is why I won't buy much, if anything, for my SO other than digital goods. I'm afraid the mail companies will cock up and lose it. Sorry Unicorn. Hopefully things don't go this way a third time.


                          Why don't you ask him to text you want he wrote it the card. I mean remembering word for word you wouldn't expect but at least you get the feel of what it would've been like to read the card.


                            Originally posted by Redheart14 View Post
                            Why don't you ask him to text you want he wrote it the card. I mean remembering word for word you wouldn't expect but at least you get the feel of what it would've been like to read the card.
                            This or he can write something & take a pic or scan it and send it to you. I know it's not the same as having the original but you will have it in his handwriting and you don't have to worry about the mail.
                            To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

                            ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


                              Originally posted by Unicorn26 View Post
                              Oh yes I totally agree. I am the most non materialistic person ever, I've told him I don't want him to buy me anything, but just to hold something he has written for me just means the world.

                              We have no date to meet yet which totally does my head in. It can't be helped for now, I'm having major problems with my ex and him coming over would make things much worse. We may not be able to meet until my divorce is settled and final and that can take ages in the UK. He is soooooooo worth the wait though.

                              I will get over this lost card. I'm just fed up, frustrated and cross. And I want my man to get his dollars back.
                              Yeah I am the same way I am not materialistic but I do love the sentimental things from my SO, we have exchanged cards and letters as that is all we can afford, and recently he sent me a puzzle letter where you have to put it together to read the message he wrote on the back and the front is two raccoons, so cute. It's simple but I love how he was thinking about me and how he puts thought into it or he is being spontaneous. I Love all the simple things like my fiance's handwriting and cards, and I have kept all our whatsapp messages and voice recordings we sent each other over all the months.

                              Sorry this happened to you and it is frustrating about your SO spent all that money, hopefully he can get it back for the card being lost.

