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Feeling lost

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    Feeling lost

    Hey guys,
    I've been feeling really down lately for some reason. I've been in a long distance relationship for around a year now. We've had our rough patches, but we always have been able to help each other through them. I love her a lot, but at times, I just feel lost. I don't really know how to describe it, but I don't feel as excited as I use to and I get down for feeling like that. I love this girl and she feels the same way. I believe it's the distance that separates us that's wearing me down; however, like I said, I have no clue. I could really use some guidance through this. Are these feeling common and is there a way to get over them? I know that I don't have these feelings (love) for anyone else but her too. I'm confused as to why I feel this way. I was hoping that time would help me recover. At times, I feel really happy to talk to her on the phone while we play video games; however, other times, it doesn't feel as exciting. Is there a reason behind this? I've been feeling pretty numb and empty because of it and it's been really putting a dampener on my mood. Her and I had talked about this a few times before as well.
    Thanks guys

    Going through a rough emotional patch is absolutely normal. The distance can be stressful, and if you don't have the right coping mechanisms, it can get pretty tough. You're not alone!

    Time alone doesn't fix these matters, unfortunately. That just lets it fester. What kind of support network do you have, as in, people to talk to (about your feelings, things you can do together, that kinda thing), your SO aside? Do you have friends to spend time with? What hobbies and activities do you do outside of your relationship? What methods do you employ to cheer yourself up?

    An idle mind is the most dangerous thing you can have when you go through a rough patch, emotionally. Especially in winter, with the lack of sunlight, it's easier for those downer moods to hit you. As long as it's not a deep depression that needs professional attention, you'd be surprised how much being active and positive can do for you. Don't ignore the sad emotions, that doesn't go well, but don't let them control you, either. Try going outside more (walks and fresh air do wonders to your mood sometimes!), indulge in hobbies, work on school/job stuff, socialize with friends and family - Make sure you're occupied in a productive fashion. LDRs are rough sometimes, but as with any relationship, it helps to remember that you are a person outside of the relationship, too, and that it's very good for you to occupy yourself in many ways. Plus, the more you do outside of the relationship, the more you got to talk about with your SO!

    Don't feel bad for, well, feeling bad. Everyone has these moments sometimes. Make sure you do what you can about it, and be kind to yourself

    It'll take a lot more than words and guns
    A whole lot more than riches and muscle
    The hands of the many must join as one
    And together we'll cross the river


      I totally feel you! I found myself feeling like that a bit yesterday, though oddly it was boredom. Bored of the distance, just wanted the closeness etc. I think Miasmata cracked it on the head, though. Not much else for me to say other than welcome to the forums, and maybe have a chat with members? We don't bite much :P


        Thanks for all your replies guys! I guess I really just got to find something to inundate my time while she's busy, no?


          Pretty much, OP. Don't neglect your other commitments and hobbies etc in real life, just because you're in an LDR.


            Hey guys, I've ran into another problem; or maybe it's an extension of my precious issue. I've been feeling strangely these past few days and I don't know why. I feel rather distant from my girlfriend; she's a great girl, but I feel... bored, I guess. There isn't much we can do with the distance and I feel like my passion is fading. I don't want to feel this way because I know I really do love her and I want to feel that sense of passion again. Many times, she just wants to spend every day talking to me, but I just don't feel as excited as I use to feel. I really hate this feeling and I don't want to leave her either.


              If you still really care about her but are just feeling bored, it's possible that what's commonly known as the "Honeymoon" phase of your relationship is ending. The honeymoon phase is exciting, everything is new fun, but when it ends you can feel lost or like the love has gone. Some people do great at talking every day, others find it better if they're only talking 1-2 times a week or less. If you need to find ways to make those conversations exciting, there's a whole forum of suggestions on here of things that you can do together, go through questions to ask each other. LDR is hard because you can get in the rut of stuck asking the same questions every time you talk "how are you?" "how was your day?" "what have you done this week?" And if all you've been doing is going to work and coming home, it can be tough to make that into exciting conversation.
              Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
              First met: June 13th 2006


                Originally posted by IIAkiII View Post
                Hey guys, I've ran into another problem; or maybe it's an extension of my precious issue. I've been feeling strangely these past few days and I don't know why. I feel rather distant from my girlfriend; she's a great girl, but I feel... bored, I guess. There isn't much we can do with the distance and I feel like my passion is fading. I don't want to feel this way because I know I really do love her and I want to feel that sense of passion again. Many times, she just wants to spend every day talking to me, but I just don't feel as excited as I use to feel. I really hate this feeling and I don't want to leave her either.
                I've had this feeling the past week, and I realised it was because I am anxious for the distance to be done with. I don't want to wait any longer than I have to. It's so BORING waiting! And as a result, I got frustrated. It's natural, though. LDRs are just that, though... either waiting games, or ticking time bombs. 'Cause they can swing in either direction at any time. Long distance, on a visit, close distance... at any point.


                  Feeling a little bit bored is part of every relationship. The distance may cause a distance, but it is totally up to you how to deal with it. you may just as well use the distance to create a mysticque. We found that the distance is a reason to do different things, not giving up.
                  I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                  - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                  "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits

