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UPDATE: 360 Transformation :)

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    UPDATE: 360 Transformation :)

    Last time I logged into LFAD was September 2013! I had been with my SO for about 3 months and I posted a thread about how I was having trust issues with my SO and how it seemed as if our relationship was falling apart.


    Trust issues...idk what to do

    So my SO other and I have been in a relationship for 3 months. I care about him so much but he has a lot of trust issues. Before our relationship, he was in a long relationship (7 years) and she cheated on him.

    So coming into the relationship I figured there would be some issues sigh trust but I didn't think they would be this bad. I try my hardest to prove to him that I would never be disloyal to him and would never disrespect him in anyway. I spend all my free time with him. I hardly go anywhere. If I'm not in class of at work I'm talking to him or texting him.

    He always tells me that he's trying his hardest to work on his trust issues. And I am trying my hardest to work with him. But he lets his assumptions get him to the point where he's ready to give up. We talk through it I tell him again that he should give us time to build and allow me to show him that I can be trusted. This works until the next time he's confronting me about things he thinks I do and how he don't think this would work. I don't understand.

    Well I understand the fear of getting hurt. I have that same fear. I just love him so much that I let my trust outweigh that fear. And I wish he could do the same. I just don't know that he can. I feel like I'm just waiting for the day when his trust issues are going to cause him to end the relationship and he's not going to be open to anymore talking. We are actually dealing with this right now.

    I really love him and I can't imagine not being with him. I just don't know what else to do. I'm trying so hard. :'(


    We were able to fight very hard and work through those trust issues. It was a long road traveled but with a lot of love and effort from both my SO and myself. We stayed together. We grew stronger and we loved harder. My first time ever meeting my SO was on February 19, 2014, five months after my post about the trust issues. I flew to Tennessee and stayed for five days. It was the most amazing five days of my life and I did not want it to end. However, I was still in college. So, I had go back home to CT. After many attempts to fly to Tennessee again or have my SO fly to Connecticut to see me...It seemed like every attempt failed horribly. Either we could not afford the flight or because of his working schedule or my school schedule we could not make it happen.

    I love my SO but there were days where I felt like I could not go on without seeing him anymore. Like always though, we fought through it and pushed forward. I graduated from college in December 2014 and I was excited because my SO and I have been planning to close the gap after I graduated. I brought my plane ticket to MOVE down to Tennessee on January 13, 2015 and I left Connecticut and flew to my new home, Tennessee on January 15th, 2015! WE FINALLY CLOSED THE GAP! The trust issues are long gone and I can't imagine being with anyone else in the world besides him. I could not be any happier. My SO and I have our own place, I was hired at a job before I moved here. So, I've been working and I just love waking up every day to my love! He makes me so happy and I am excited for us to start our lives together.

    I just thought it would be nice to share my story being that last time I logged into LFAD I thought my relationship would not last much longer. I was losing hope and I was so sad and low. And a year and six months later my SO other and I have closed the gap and it has been the most beautiful experience of my life. I love him, I love our story, and I love love. Hope you enjoy my story! P.S. I'm glad to be back!
    Last edited by tuushay; March 4, 2015, 12:35 PM.

    That's a great story!!
    I'm happy you made it through and you even closed the distance I'm sure it seemed hopeless at some points.
    It's very inspirational too. It shows that you can handle everything as long as you love each other.
    Thanks for sharing.


      Thank you so much Jaac! I'm glad that our story could be of some inspiration to you! Yes, love conquers all.


        That's great Happy for you.


          I feel bad for being such a pedant, but 360° means doing a full circle turn and you would have just ended up where you started, I'm very glad that's not the case!!

          Congratulations on overcoming the hurdles and cloing the distance! As long as you keep investing the effort to nurture the trust and talk about problems that crop up, I think you'll continue just fine on this path together. Best of luck to you both!

          It'll take a lot more than words and guns
          A whole lot more than riches and muscle
          The hands of the many must join as one
          And together we'll cross the river


            Omg this story reminds me of my own situtation. I've been dating my boyfriend for 4 months now and every attempt we have at trying to visit each other has failed miserably due to his job. I always feel hopeless and feel like giving up once in a while but your story has given me hope that there can be a happy ending for us and that we will see each other someday. Thank you for sharing this


              Thank you for sharing! I am still in the infancy of my first LDR. I have been taking much comfort from reading success stories though. It really helps me to see that other people have made it, that it is possible to overcome any amount of distance. It is so inspiring and a true testament of the will power and love humans are capable of! I am so glad you have made it and everything was worth it! Your struggles have not only brought you and your SO happiness but will lend strength to many others I am sure! I hope to also share my success story here one day. Thank you again for your time and sharing your experience! Best wishes!


                Thanks for sharing! what a great story!


                  Thesteelangel, There is always hope! I believe that if you both continue to make the effort and you don't give up on your love, then then there will be light at the end of the tunnel. It's normal to feel discouraged sometimes. However, try not to let it get the best of you and your relationship. I am SOOO happy that I could inspire someones's relationship that is so similar to how mine once was. I understand your struggle and I know it's tough, but keep holding strong, supporting each other, loving each other, and things will work out for the best.


                    Beautiful story! So glad everything worked out for the two of you


                      Awesome story!

