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My LDR story.

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    My LDR story.

    Hi I came across this forum and I just wanted to share my story with people who can actually understand what it's like. I'm 17 (I'm quite young I know) and currently in a long distance relationship for almost 4 months now.

    I was 15 and it was a boring summer afternoon when I wandered into the world of teen dating sites. I didn't come there to look for relationships though. I just wanted to mess with people and talk to random people lol. I came across this teen dating website which had a "shouts" feature, that was comparable to twitter. You could say what you wanted and people can like your post. I have made a lot of friends from that site but there was just this one boy in particular. I saw his posts on the shouts portion and he was just hilarious and not to mention, kinda cute. I knew I wanted to become friends with the kid. He messaged me and we clicked instantly. Turns out we had lots in common, from sense of humor to tastes in music. My friends from that site including him would have these huge group oovoo calls which were tons of fun and we'd just talk and laugh till 3 in the morning but then most of the time it'd just be me and him.

    Soon enough it turned into a little crush and I promised myself I wouldn't let it be any more than that despite the fact that there was just so much chemistry between us. Him and I became the best of friends and we would text, snapchat, facetime, and oovoo almost everyday.

    Although the inevitable happened and I fell for him. Hard. I thought he was absolutely perfect, but he lived in another state exactly 1040 miles away from where I live. I tried to distance myself from him but I couldn't. I couldn't go a day without talking to him or seeing his face. I kept my feelings to myself and just went on being best friends with him.

    Time went by and before I knew it, we were both 17 and still the best of friends. The feelings never went away and I had been talking to some "in real life" boys along the way but no one compares to him. One night, I got really drunk (yeah i know im underage lol) and told him everything. I told him I liked him. He told me he had liked me ever since we started talking. And the very next day, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes because it was all I ever wanted all along-- I didn't even care about the 1040 miles between us.

    Almost 4 months later and I am still the happiest girl on earth. So far, we haven't encountered any problems. We only had an hour time difference so we facetime every single day and sleep together leaving it open. We text every minute and everything's just open and honest. We talk about the future a lot and plan to go to college in the same state. We've also sent each other gifts and love letters and it's just perfect. He's coming to visit on June and I'm so fucking excited because I'm finally going to meet the love of my life. HE IS ALSO POSSIBLY COMING TO PROM WITH ME and I can't wait!! I know we're both young and we've only been dating for barely 4 months but he's my soulmate and we're both absolutely in love with each other and I love him to pieces.

    I literally can't wait to meet him!!! I know it's gonna be amazing. I just want to run to him, jump in his arms, kiss him and never let go.
    Last edited by 1040miles; March 4, 2015, 06:57 PM.

    Haha that's super cute about the prom welcome to LFAD
    "Sometimes you just have to let art flow over you."


      Welcome to LFAD. Cross my fingers for prom!
      "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


        That is so sweet! I wish my boyfriend could come for my prom, but he's 7 time zones away and it'd be quite expensive, haha. Crossing my fingers for you two!


          Welcome to LFAD. I'd love to go to prom with my SO, but certain things are stopping me at the moment. Though, he said I don't look too much like my age whereas he looks a lot older than his age, so I think it woulda worked out had we tried lol.


            Lol this is so cute! Welcome


              Glad to be here!!! and it would be perfect if he came!!


                Thank you and me too!!!!


                  Awwww but its ok, love knows no distance Im hoping he comes too!!!


                    You guys should still try. its worth a shot


                      Aw thank you love!


                        Just a tip - If you are responding to someone, you can hit "reply with quote" to make sure people know who, and if you want to respond to several people, you can do it all in one post by hitting the little "+-sign! Since this isn't a chat, it's better to combine stuff and make it a bit more readable!

                        All the best to you and your relationship You got a cute story there, I hope things continue well!

                        It'll take a lot more than words and guns
                        A whole lot more than riches and muscle
                        The hands of the many must join as one
                        And together we'll cross the river


                          Originally posted by Miasmata View Post
                          Just a tip - If you are responding to someone, you can hit "reply with quote" to make sure people know who, and if you want to respond to several people, you can do it all in one post by hitting the little "+-sign! Since this isn't a chat, it's better to combine stuff and make it a bit more readable!

                          All the best to you and your relationship You got a cute story there, I hope things continue well!
                          oops i didnt know!! thank you

