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Back from my very 1st meeting :)

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    Back from my very 1st meeting :)

    Hi guys

    this is nothing I want advice about or anything. I just wanted to share my story here for couples who also haven't met yet and maybe have the same difficulties that we have.

    My boyfriend is from Mexico, I am from Germany. We met on Instagram and started texting. We texted for 6 months each and every day with tons of photos and voice messages. I just flew to Cancun, Mexico with my mum for vacation and planned to fly to his city for a certain amount of time, and so I did.

    I was extremely nervous because we didn't video chat before, I only had all the photos and 2 or 3 videos. So I didn't know exactly what he would be like in reality how he talks etc. and I was even more nervous because we only text in spanish and I am quite good at it but talking and understanding is quite hard for me. When I finally met him on the airport I realized he is a bit different to his pics because in the pics he is always serious without much smiling but in reality he smiles like almost all the time. We hugged each other and got into a taxi. The first 2 or 3 days were a bit weird. More because I was very shy with talking. But I got to know his family directly on day one and they made me feel like home and nobody laughed when I didn't understand something which happened a few times. It was the most beautiful experience of my whole life!! I definitely realized how much better I understand and talk spanish now. He showed me around a lot of things in Mexico that I haven't seen before and he just made this vacation unforgattable for me. My mum had a lot of doubts at the beginning that he could want to do something bad to me because we didn't know him and as you know, Mexico, or more the area near to Mexico City can be quite dangerous. But now that I am back she is also very happy for me. We spent amazing 11 days together visiting a lot of places, eating lots of mexican food or just staying at home watching movies and playing fifa. I am so happy that I found the love of my life so randomly and now we try to see each other again as soon as possible, either again in Mexico or he comes to Germany, what he really really wants to do.

    So all of the people who have doubts for their first meeting, no matter why, if language barrier, parents who don't trust or anything... If you have the chance to meet, do it!! You won't regret it!

    Wow, congrats! I just got back home after spending months with my SO. I'm so glad you had a good time and were able to discover what it was like to finally be together Keep working towards being together again


      Awesome You took a gamble, and it certainly paid off by the sounds of things. Happy for you!


        Thanks so much guys


          I am happy to hear that your visit went well
          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits

