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Getting on the same page

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    Getting on the same page

    My partner and I have been in a LDR for a little while now. He says I nag loads lol! Sometimes I find myself going on and on at him for the same things..he always says to me In jest I should write a manual for him to follow, so one day I did!! To my suprise it really worked, although he said he thought he did all of the things I wrote for him, he also said it helped him see things from my point of view..and tht he would really try to make the extra post it..hope at least one person finds it helpful!
    Last edited by Misspatience; March 6, 2015, 09:28 AM.

    Your guide for knowing how to treat your woman right

    Nobody wants to hear constant nagging, especially when it can cause stress through the whole body! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a conversation with your woman without her going on and on about the same ol' thing over and over again? Are you sick of having to listen to her continually moan at you for things that you are NOT doing. Are you feeling like just listening to her is an effort?

    If this sounds like you then here are a few helpful tips that should help you understand your woman a little better and then hopefully in turn you will be able to treat her like the princess she really is!

    The first thing to remember, every woman has different needs, wants and wishes which they require from their man. ( if she is requesting something from you, don't assume its because she has heard it from her friends or read it in a book) she genuinely does have needs believe it or not!

    • Every woman (in particular me) loves to communicate.

    It is vital for a partnership to be successful. Miscommunication can lead to two individuals being on separate pages, different levels,it is important that you are clear about your feelings and your thoughts, if you wasn't this could cause misunderstandings, confusion an people end up getting hurt. There could be times when you're going through your trials and tribulations and she might not have a clue, she could be making things worse and not be aware she is doing it. You may not be the talking type, but researchers have found that being able to talk about your problems—even ordinary stresses and strains with your partner can help protect your relationship.

    • Be direct, don't beat around the bush

    The worst thing you can do in a relationship is play mind games. Be straight, there's nothing more confusing and tiring than trying to figure out what someone is trying to put out there, dropping hints may not work because if you are on two separate pages the other person may not catch on to what your trying to say. It links back to good communication . Let your yes mean yes and your no mean no, say what you mean and mean what you say. ( we know life happens but if you try and stick to it, it will then become easier for it to turn into reality)

    • Remember honesty is the best policy.

    A solid foundation cannot be built on lies and what is done in the dark will always be revealed in the light. To avoid drama always tell the truth, it can never come back and catch you out. As my grandma used to say, the truth may offend but it is not a sin.

    • Your lady may appreciate and accept that you are not the soppy and affectionate type

    Just as she has accepted this, you must acknowledge that she is completely opposite, she's still a human, a woman, who has needs that are different from your own. Although emotional stuff may not be set as a high importance to you, it is for your woman, Small nice gestures now and again wouldn't go unnoticed or unappreciated!

    • Consideration is key.

    There is thousands of miles of distance between you both. You may feel like your woman is being unreasonable at times in those circumstances try and put yourself in her shoes before becoming ignorant to the situation. She misses you soo much. She may not be being nosey or idol. She may be trying to get a true sense of the right now, so she can feel a little closer to you. It may sound crazy but its her way and if it helps why not? When you ending a conversation why not give her something to look forward to or put a smile on her face.

    • Make an effort, be consistent.

    This will show your woman you care. To ensure your lady feels confident in you and in your relationship you have to do things which you may not have to do if you were single. Its just the way it is, if you really love her though its worth it. Give her your time and show you are interested. Be consistent this will end paranoia and avoid questions that annoy you and get you stressed out.

    • Respect and manners are crucial.

    You may be older and and think yourself a little wiser than your lady but that doesn't mean she doesn't have anything to offer. You may feel like you have the handle and be confident your woman is not going anywhere. You should respect and appreciate that knowledge and not abuse it. Everybody has different tolerance levels and you will never know when an individual has reached their limit until they have, nurture and cherish it and who knows what will happen.

    • Make her feel special and Important.

    Your woman doesn't want to know or feel like you class her or look at her the same as everybody else. It won't make her feel good when you generalise her with the rest of society. How is she suppose to feel confident that you are not going anywhere when you see her the same as everyone else! She is yours, she belongs to you, your friends don't the rest of the world doesn't , but she does, make her see and feel that way.

    If you follow these few tips you are guaranteed to relieve the sound of nagging voices whilst also making your woman extremely happy!

    Part two will follow when you are home.
    Wrote lovingly by your future wife Xxxxxx
    Last edited by Misspatience; March 6, 2015, 09:26 AM.


      I see you're new here. We have an introductions section if you'd like to meet everyone here first

      "Sometimes you just have to let art flow over you."


        Thanks for the tip


          It kinda made me grin somewhat reading this. Welcome to the forums!!


            this is adorable! welcome to the forums!
            I'm gonna send this to the s/o and see what he replies
            (most probably just laugh and comment that women have too much free time but saves the document anyway)

            This is true bcos he says i nag too much as well AND about the same stuff hehe
            Last edited by Gingerlyme; March 7, 2015, 04:58 AM.

