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Vast improvements here! :)

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    Vast improvements here! :)

    Hello everyone!

    After the fiasco with my missing valentines card (which thankfully finally arrived, but almost 3 weeks late) I was expecting the same for my birthday, which is today.

    I am very happy to report that my SO sent a wonderful parcel full of yummy goodies, t shirts and a super soppy card and it all arrived today, on my actual birthday!!! He is the best ever!!! He sent one of his jerseys from when he used to play softball, a t shirt that is too small for him now, it's massive on me tho, and a t shirt that he had worn. That was by far the best thing!!! That's sleeping with me tonight for sure.

    Also, the job he thought might be getting has come through! He flies to Vegas for a week on Sunday. I'm so happy for him, he was super excited when he found out and called me straight away bless him.

    I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel, I'm hoping flying to Vegas will help with his anxiety of flying as this is one of the major factors that is stopping our first meeting, and also earning some decent money so he can pay for his own flight over here... Oh my goodness I am so excited, I just had to share!!! This has been such a long hard road but I've never met a man so utterly committed to us as a couple, he's just amazing!!! I am such a lucky girl, I appreciate every little thing he does for me

    Oh that makes me smile

    First HAPPY BIRTHDAY I hope you had a good day!

    Sounds like you got a pretty darned good birthday present, really sweet. And congratulations to him for the new job. Good things are happening
    Flying out to meet him for the first time: 16th November 2014 - 14th December 2014
    Flying out to meet him for the second time: 3rd June 2015 -18th July 2015
    Flying out to meet him for the third time: 12th December 2016 - 12th January 2017
    His first flight to me: April 2018 DENIED ENTRY
    Flying out to meet him for the fourth time: 23rd June 2018 - 7th July 2018
    Got Engaged: 12th December 2016
    Married: June 29th 2018
    Hoping to close the distance: 2019/2020


      Happy birthday. I am glad things are coming together for you!

      I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


        Yay! Happy birthday! I'm so happy for you! Glad to hear you got some good news


          Hmm, well it seems I am late here.

          Anyways, happy day after your birthday!!! I hope your birthday was good for you! It sounds like you had some great gifts and news! Congrats on everything and I wish you both luck for the future!


            A little update, more positive things happening!

            My SO text me earlier, said he was on his way back home after being down town seeing his old work buddies on the trading floor and he was travelling on the train..... I was gob smacked and soooo proud of him! Just a few weeks ago his anxiety was so bad he struggled to drive to his local shops and to be totally honest, I felt like we were never going to move forward with this. Him going downtown on the train back to his old workplace is huuuuge. He had burnout and it left him with severe anxiety issues. This is a massive step forward for him!

            I know there is a vast difference to him going downtown on the train to flying across the Atlantic alone, but baby steps! I am willing to wait as long as it takes and it see him making such a huge effort and taking massive strides in the right direction is just fabulous. I am beyond happy!!! xxx

