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    I get we're in two different states. Two different time zones. We both have our own lives besides. And life gets hectic and it's hard balancing everything. But if that person truly means enough to you then no matter what you will find the time for them instead of making excuses. Dealing with long distance u don't have a regular type of relationship. U can't easily go to their house or go on a date. U can't hug them, hold them, hold their hand, kiss them, feel them, have sex or even makeup sex when things go wrong. U can't chill with them in that matter just be in their presence anytime u want. U wait by the phone for a text or phone call and when that does come that's your quality time. That's how u make up for everything U can't do right now. Without that quality time through the phone...the relationship will fall apart. 💔 But you have to remember every relationship you're going to face trials. You just have to find the one worth going through it with you.

    You're preaching to the choir

