Hey guys. My LDR girlfriend and I dated for 9 months but just recently she expressed concerns and said she wanted to break up. This was after she said she wanted to go on break for a week. I'm 17 and she is 16 and we've never met but I love her very much and she's told me she loves me very much. When we were together I felt like we could talk about anything and when we Skyped she always smiled and laughed. When we broke up she said it wasn't anything that I did and that I was a good boyfriend. She also said she didn't want us to date other people. My question is since I still really love her do you think there would be a way of getting back together with her or should I try and let her go?? I really feel like we're perfect for each other.
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If this breakup wasn't about you, it was about her. She probably has things she needs to figure out, however she should not expect you to be exclusive when you have no promise of getting back together later. If she's letting you go it is only fair she let the exclusivity go as well. If she wants the exclusivity then she should be with you.
I say let her go. When she finds out what she really wants, and if that is you, then she'll come back if not, do not worry about it.Last edited by Unconditional; April 5, 2015, 05:21 PM."We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."
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Firstly, I'd like to ask what was the reason she decided to break up with you? Since she considered you a good boyfriend and seemed happy. Also what were the concerns?
As I see it,she simply may be tired of LDR.If it is your first time in such kind of relationships,it is a major issue for people.They become scared,confused and
So if it is the real reason,then there is a good amount of chance to win her back.If both partners take it seriously and consider each other a goodmatch worth all the efforts,then half of work is doneSo please answer my question above and we can see what can be done here
I don't know really why she broke up with me. She said she was tired of this/ sick of this etc. She might have been talking about the distance or just the relationship I don't really know. Whenever we talked about meeting though she would get nervous and change he subject. It's not like a catfish situation because we Skyped all the time I think she's just a shy person. I asked her to prom and she said yes but then we figured out that my prom is on the same day that she is in a play so she wouldn't have been able to go. She had a dress picked out and everything and was really sad. I tried to console her but I think that is when she started getting unhappy and realized the drawbacks to LDR.
I don't know really why she broke up with me. She said she was tired of this/ sick of this etc. She might have been talking about the distance or just the relationship I don't really know. Whenever we talked about meeting though she would get nervous and change he subject. It's not like a catfish situation because we Skyped all the time I think she's just a shy person. I asked her to prom and she said yes but then we figured out that my prom is on the same day that she is in a play so she wouldn't have been able to go. She had a dress picked out and everything and was really sad. I tried to console her but I think that is when she started getting unhappy and realized the drawbacks to LDR.
Whats the distance between you two actually?
See,if the issue is LDR and how hard it is,then there are two ways.Either the person decides to give up or try making things work.
You won't be able to make her be in LDR,but at least you can give reasons and arguments about why it is a thing worth it.However if she answers no,then unfortunately you can't do much here
She probably just couldn't handle the distance. Not a lot of people your age range could handle LDRs it seems. She probably wants physical contact all the time. I say you both should probably grow up a bit first. And like unconditional said, she may come back after her personal issues get solved or she may not. Don't let this bother you too much and move on.
I agree with letting her go. I know you probably don't want to hear this, but you two are also very young. LDR's can be very hard and even adults can't handle them sometimes. At your ages, she just may not be able to handle being away from you and wants to be with someone who is closer to her that she can see often. So with that said - it really wasn't about you like she told you but the fact that she just isn't ready at this point in her life to be able to handle a LDR.To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.
Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.