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Really worried...

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    Really worried...

    My SO really doesn't live in the best situation and doesn't have the money to get out of it...
    He lives with his parents for the time being and they treat him horribly. And no matter what he does or says, nothing helps.

    We've been texting back and forth today, and the more I talk to him, the more worried that I get... and the more that I hate being across the country from him. I just want to wrap him up in a huge hug and try to make the worries and problems go away.

    Anyone have any tips on how to not just break from wanting to run to him (I don't have the money right now to go to him).
    I just feel like I can't do anything to try to help him. He snaps at me, he has apologized for doing that - he's just stressed.
    But I'm only just trying to help. This whole situation just makes me feel helpless.

    I know something like that can be difficult, since I'm sort of in a similar situation as him, maybe not the same severity but I still live with my parents, being that I'm only 19 and not financially stable enough to be on my own and my life at home really isn't that great. There are times when I get snappy with my boyfriend since he's in your situation and is my support. It's hard not having him here for me when I need it and I can't be there with him to get away from everything happening here. The best thing you can really do is try not to get down about it. He needs you for support so it won't help if you're upset also. I know that's easier said than done, but it's very helpful to have someone there to cheer you up. I'd say the best thing you can do is skype/call him and spend as much time as you can distracting him from the situation. Talk about other things to get both your minds off of it... watch some funny movies/videos together. Really anything to cheer him and you up will work. I wish you two the best!


      I'm doing my best to not get upset, it's just hard - as I'm stressed out (over outside things [nothing he's done]) at the moment, and being worried for him because of his situation - without going into too much detail his parents treat him horribly and talk down to him and he's only 3 years younger than me (I'm 26, he's 23). They treat him like a kid - as if he can't do anything right, just because he doesn't want to do something they want him to do. They mentally abuse him, and I hate it.
      He told me today that I'm the only one in his life who actually cares for him. The only one. :/ At least he understands that I do - there are times that he'll say "No one in my life cares for me." and I just feel like crying and going "What about me? I care for you!!"

      Right now with my own personal situation, I wish that I could Skype him, but I have out of town company here - I'm in a dorm, and I have no personal space to call him without abandoning her for awhile... (And I'm also packing to fly home tomorrow for a week, and my parents have crap internet. :/). Talk about horrible timing. But I'm doing as much as I can to try to help him, even if it is just through texting - which isn't enough, I know. But it's all I can give right now. I'm trying. It's just making me want to cry. Not that I'll tell him that, he doesn't need to know that. But it's how I feel right now.

      Now we're trying to figure out a way to get him out of the living situation that he's in - he's told me feels like doing something drastic.... Gah... *sighs* Plus his phone is almost dying, otherwise, I'd go out onto my patio, tell my friend I'll be back, and call him.

