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Is this normal?

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    Is this normal?

    This is my third relationship and we have been together for 9 months. My other two relationships I dated them for about a year and then broke up with them. I can feel that starting to happen with him (getting more annoyed etc), and I really don't want it to. I wonder if this is a problem with me and I need to get over myself. He really is the greatest guy but with the distance I'm starting to feel disconnected and I'm forgetting what it's like to spend more time together. This is my first long distance relationship.

    I visit about once a month. Usually the first day I am tired from travel and get annoyed at him. Perhaps one other time in the trip I'll get overwhelmed by the thought of getting married (and other times I love the thought)

    Any perspectives on what is or is not normal, and how much of this is distance vs how much is this me having issues?

    thank you for your help!
    Last edited by oinkpig329; April 6, 2015, 12:12 PM.

    It's only an issue if you yourself think it is. Some people just get tired of seeing one person and they move on to the next. In my opinion I don't really see that as a problem if you're young. You should be able to date around if that pleases you. Distance can be a factor in you getting bored as well, but where your other relationships LD by any chance? If you're trying to find that one person to marry, then it might be a problem. If you don't want to leave him then constantly remind yourself of why you love him in the first place. Also you could try to open up the possibility of having an open relationship.


      It is very normal!

      After a year or so, things are not so rosy red any more, for most. After one and a half year as his girlfriend, I don't think it is as romantic to wash his clothes. I don't like him smoking in the bathroom or bed room and I just recently noticed that his unibrow annoys me. And I love him so much. So yes. it is very normal.

      After a visit, a lot of exitement dies down, you are alone and you feel a bit blue, empty or angry. It is like a tiny depressive episode. I usually don't Skype with SO until 2 days after a visit because we both feel this.

      Getting married is a big thing. Being overwealmed sometimes and happy at other times just means you give it a thougrough thought on what it means to share your life with someone. it is not going to be peaches every day. But it could still be grand.
      I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
      - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

      "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits

