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How to deal with the really depressing/frustrating phases?

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    How to deal with the really depressing/frustrating phases?

    I've been in a LDR for about 10 months, around the same time we'd been together when we lived in the same city. She came to visit a couple of months ago and is already planning her visit in another 5-6 months time. I should be feeling excited and looking forward to it, but all I can think about is how this is basically my life now - just waiting for those few days when we can be together, and then it's back to months of waiting again. I really enjoy the time when we can see each other, but things are just so lonely and depressing the rest of the time. How have you dealt with going through phases like these in your LDR?

    Keep yourself busy! That's the most important and useful thing. Spend time with family/friends or doing hobbies or reading a book or playing games. Anything that keeps your mind off of it. If you spend all your time focusing on when you will be with them next it'll just make it worse.


      Yeah all you could really do is keep yourself busy and wait for that day to come. Time goes by so quickly when you're doing something compared to when you're not doing anything.


        For some people the months of waiting inbetween are not enough to make up for the good times together, and no matter how much love is felt that is the way of it. My ex without telling me this until after the fact told me as much - and actually it was so much of an issue, she should have told me sooner, and ended it - I even gave her the option, but she chose not to take it at the time.

        Be honest with yourself here, if you are depressed and miserable for the majority of your life, is that a way you want to live and can live longer term?

        As said though, to avoid sinking too much, you need to keep your mind active and not focused on the negative, whether that is sport, hobby or just positive thinking, don't well on what you don't have but focus on what you do, and the negatives should not feel as bad....

