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Inside jokes with your SO

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    LOL - what a great thread!!

    Of course we have our fair share of inside jokes...
    One about running over a will come up like "Was this before or after you ran over the tree?"
    One about wearing no socks
    Way too many to thing we'll do, often, is laugh and say "Ruined" in 'you've ruined me for anyone else' lol


      Ohh we have so many, but I can't really think of them right now. They always come up randomly, whenever it fits to the situation.
      Well, we have many nicknames for other people, because we are that mean and everytime we talk about others we usually use those
      Ahh, there are so many, but I just can't think of them now


        Originally posted by SeattleLove View Post
        Well, we have many nicknames for other people, because we are that mean and everytime we talk about others we usually use those
        LOL - We're mean too *blushes*


          Originally posted by sam View Post
          Hm, the only one I can think of right now is calling a group of sheep, 'sheeps' x)
          We soooo do that one too! Another one we do is from the online video "the end of the world" (if you havn't seen it your missing out: )

          From the French guy's... whenever one of us says anything about being tired.... the other one says... "well take a nap.... and then FIRE ZE MISSILES!?!?!?!"... makes me laugh every time! :P
          Last edited by mattheww65; November 27, 2010, 04:14 PM. Reason: epic fail.....


            Bacon, Sticky nipples (Don't ask), Cookies, Beyonce, and many others


              We also have mean names for people, lol. (Admittedly, I came up with most of them, he's nicer than me).
              I'm sure others will come to me, they just haven't yet.
              LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
              Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
              Total Pages Read This Year: 3283


                hmm so many

                i was the first portuguese/american he had ever met, and he didnt know how to pronounce it so he calls me a portu-GOOSE. and i call him a puerto ri-CROW cause he's puerto rican

                & my favorite animal is a beluga whale :] and he never seen them and some how we came out with teh word Palughi :P and we say it all the timeee

                & we hate when eachother says " i love you more" so we agreed on alwyas saying i love you more equal but he'll send me a text like this

                i love you more...

                equal =)

                and my boston accent. i dont pronounce the letter "R"
                so he'll say something and then correct it in my accent as if i didnt understand him the first time <3

                so mannnnnnnnnnnnny . love love love love love love love him
                I believe that two people are connected at the heart and it doesn't matter what you do or who you are or where you live. There are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together - Julia Roberts


                  Don't feed the geese.



                    there's tons more, not too many i can think of on the stop tho


                      Oh! I remember one now. A few months ago, I ended up drinking a wee bit too much (on an empty stomach, too...). We were talking about something I wanted to say to a girl that had gotten on my LAST NERVE and he said something like "So you don't care if it makes her think you're a b****?". In my less-than-sober state, I said "I don't care if it makes me a b****. I don't care if it makes me a pineapple!" So now he'll tease me occasionally and call me "pineapple".
                      LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
                      Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
                      Total Pages Read This Year: 3283


                        When my SO came to visit once he said "ow" and I asked him what was wrong. He said "it hurts to move", but then I asked him why he was moving so much then. Seriously, he was moving around a lot and then he just says "it hurts to move". So now I randomly say that to him.


                          Oh we have a ton that I can't even think of.
                          One is happy birthday(really long story on that one)
                          We have nicknames for people too. Like my favorite for my friends evil ex Tgay instead of TJ.ahaha He came up with that one.
                          He says babby instead of baby(hard to explain how it's pronounced,it's not the A sound is the ahhhh sound)
                          also J'aime and he'll be like Jaime? lol. And I'm like no it's french!
                          Also Scott Pilgrim stuff. Did you know pacman was supposed to be named pucman?
                          Also not just between him and I but morgan freeman is a fire truck
                          Gordon Freeman the PE teacher.ahaha
                          Jake Gyllenhal is his boyfriend.
                          Oh and his word wuggles (it's wuv and
                          Cheeeez its!!!! David Blaine! (video he showed me,hilarious)

                          Ya theres more I'll have to post when I And that was already a lot.


                            "Interference" is one of our inside jokes. Joe will say the most random things when we're on the phone and not talking much. He'll say something like, "I just pooped my pants." And I'll be like, "What did you say?" and then he'll say, "What? I didn't say anything." And then either he or I will say something like, "Oh, it must have been interference." lol. I'm sure it's funnier to Joe and I than it is to other people. :P


                              Originally posted by mattheww65 View Post
                              We soooo do that one too! Another one we do is from the online video "the end of the world" (if you havn't seen it your missing out: )

                              From the French guy's... whenever one of us says anything about being tired.... the other one says... "well take a nap.... and then FIRE ZE MISSILES!?!?!?!"... makes me laugh every time! :P
                              Haha we quote that too! Although we more use the "okay, so" when we get off topic.

                              "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                              -- Anonymous


                                Anything is or can be made into a joke for us.. Ha! we have WAAAY too many private jokes for me to list them all here, but a few that come to mind would be

                                The word "Leaf".
                                Being washed ...thoroughly.
                                Her dad's hunting riftle .... o_o
                                That the response to "Baguette" is "Cheval".
                                Yellow play-shovels.
                                Me getting Morten'ed.
                                ANY sort of dirty innuendo.
                                Pokemon and Barbie.
                                Her and her "guns".
                                ...oh, and of course: Crazy Clown >:]

                                ... *giggles* ^^

