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My LDR Story, not a happy ever after

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    My LDR Story, not a happy ever after

    I needed a place I could tell my story, a place where maybe I could find people who understand how hurt I am right now and what I am going through. I don't know if this will be the place but I hope so.

    I am a 29 year old woman living in the U.S., I fell in love with a 21 year old guy in Australia. I met him years ago on a video game, and we slowly started to become friends. We never talked alone, only in a group. We really enjoyed each other's company and thought the other had an attractive voice. At the time I was going through a lot and the last thing I wanted was a relationship. I had a very strict policy on age and he was in Australia. On top of that, he thought online relationships were dumb and I figured he was someone safe I could be friendly with.

    I was depressed and I wanted to die to be blunt. I was busy pretending everything was fine but he saw through it. He made sure I ate, made sure I slept, etc. We got closer and closer. I started to have some feelings for him and I wanted nothing to do with it so I backed off. I went off the grid for a few weeks until he woke up early (our time zones are drastic so I figured he'd be asleep) to confront me about it and because he missed me. I caved in at that point and we started talking 1v1. He spent so much money calling me those first months and we just got closer. We couldn't seem to ignore what we were feeling but it was a long process. You see, I was depressed and in no position to be in a relationship at all. I was VERY insecure about myself as I was 100lbs+ overweight and had a lot of bad things happen to me in my life. We talked about meeting and I wanted to, but I was too afraid because of my weight. I finally confessed it to him and he said he wanted me anyway. He told me he loved me first, and a few days later I told him it back. We started a relationship.

    I started eating healthy and working out. I realized I wanted to live and that was in large part to him being there. I saw the chance for something really good for the first time in my life. We talked about meeting here and there but it never happened because I was too insecure. I knew it was stressing him out and I was being selfish but he would tell me he understood and he was okay to wait until I was ready. I started to slowly come out of my shell by sending him pictures, full body pictures, etc. I would gain more security as he'd tell me he loved me and wanted me. That I was his favorite, that I was the one for him, and how grateful he was for me every day. We started to Skype finally and that didn't scare him off either! I was so happy that someone saw so much in me that they thought I was beautiful. I was still very insecure worrying that every girl would take him away because in my mind, she was better than me. He would reassure me every time that there was no one better to him than me because of how he felt when he was with me. That regardless of his age, he knew what he wanted. That he didn't feel he was missing out and he was exactly where he wanted to be. He reassured me consistently and patiently for a year. He sent me gifts, cards, and he'd come home almost every day after work to send time with me.

    Everyone was telling me I was the happiest they'd ever seen me and I told everyone about him. He didn't tell his family, he said he wanted to wait until he was going to come here to tell them. I understood and he'd been so patient with me on everything, I wanted to be understanding on this. We did start to fight a bit and I could tell he was increasingly frustrated with the distance. I understood and I was getting that way too. Now that I look back in the last few weeks I could see a few signs he wasn't as into as he had been. Yet, I would talk about meeting and plans, he would go with them. Finally, one night I pushed the issue. I had lost 90lbs and really had started to find myself. I'd started going out with friends, and taking more chances in life. I'd stopped getting as insecure and I felt more confident. I was ready to take this to the next level.

    Before I knew it he was telling me he didn't think he could come here, that if it came down to him getting on a plane and coming here that he couldn't do it. That he couldn't see how to merge his reality and us. I was shocked. I mean, we weren't perfect but after reassuring me constantly that he wasn't going to leave, I had become positive he wasn't going anywhere. Just the week before I had been sick as a dog, he laid in bed with me on the phone and watched movies with me. He told me he wanted to pay for me to go to the doctor and hated how I didn't feel well. Just 2 weeks before he'd sent me a little card saying how much he loved me with a gift. Just the day of he told me how grateful he was for me. I worked so hard on myself for my best interest but also for us because I wanted what we had to be real. Yet, not only were we suddenly no longer meeting, but I was being dumped. I was being dumped by the same guy who told me I was his favorite every day for a year. The same guy who bought us both phones so we could Skype together. The guy who would come home and call me 9+ times to wake me up after work because he missed me. The guy who willingly brought up marriage on his own, having a family together, and told me regularly that I was the one for him.

    I was a mess and a week later of no talking I got an e-mail after I'd missed a call. He told me he was certain he loved me and he missed me. That he hated where he worked, his weight, where he lived, and he had to sort through everything he felt before he could even think of a relationship. Then a week later I called him a few nights and we talked for like 2 hours+. We laughed and had outrageous conversations about whether we'd be a werewolf vs a vampire. We flirted and when I told him things like it's so clear you adore me, he didn't deny it. After a few nights of this I tried to see if we could watch or play something, he said he didn't know. I said I felt he was giving me mixed messages. He said he just can't be casual with me and that I complicate things. That he couldn't get past my deception (lying about weight) and how it'd put off meeting for so long. I cried and asked how could he just kick me out of his life like this. He was so frustrated with me I could tell he wanted me to go away, so I did. Then a week later I started sending e-mail updates about my life. I got no responses. I was planning a trip with my girlfriend to Disney next year and I jokingly sent him an e-mail saying it'd be awesome if he could go with me and that he could take his time to figure things out but could he do it within a year. I also sent another one saying how everyone was telling me I was being dumb but I didn't care because I felt he was worth it. He responded to that one saying that I shouldn't for one second think that he hadn't wanted to email me but he just didn't know what to say. That he liked my updates and that he wanted to figure everything that, that he didn't want to take a year. I made videos for him and I sent them to him along with sexy pictures thinking I could get him to see what he was missing. It took me all night to send the videos to him (I'd asked and he said he did want me to send them) When I got no response to anything, I started to get the message that he didn't want me anymore.

    10 days passed, and finally I broke down. He sent me an e-mail saying he wasn't ready for a relationship, and that he couldn't do the distance thing. That part of him loved me and he missed me, but that he was back to the place before we met where he didn't want a relationship. He mentioned the distance thing 4 times. I asked if we could talk on Skype because it'd help me to hear these things as close to face to face as we could. We talked for a half hour normally, just laughing. He told me he missed me and then i asked if he was done done, he said he felt like he was. He hemmed and hawed for about 30 seconds before he said he didn't feel like I should wait when I asked him if he just had things to work out for himself. I cried, and he got teary. The worst part was I kept smiling because even though he was breaking my heart, that was the face of the man I loved. I could see in his face how much he loved me, and not just in a delusional sense. I could genuinely see it, feel it in him when he was talking to me. I asked him if he thought about what this means in the long term sense, if I was no longer the person he wanted at his side. He said he hadn't thought about it. He told me he wasn't against meeting but that he didn't know how because he couldn't see me without being very attracted to me and it wasn't going to change that he didn't want a relationship now. He wanted to keep in touch via e-mail for the big events. We told each other we loved each other one last time via Skype and then he called me at my request. We did a bit of dirty talking and he told me he couldn't resist me, that he still always thought of me when he, well you know. I just wanted to connect one more time. The last thing we said to each other was "I miss you." The next day I sent 2 e-mails begging him to at least meet me, to stop and think about what he was doing. Finally, I got so angry about everything because I realized how crappy it was, I sent him an e-mail going off. I haven't talked to him since then which is a week ago and he hasn't reached out.

    The rest- I am an absolute wreck. I have never gone from being someone's world to being part of their past so fast. My head is still spinning to some degree because it was so out of nowhere. I am 100% positive there's no other girl. I am now in that stage of hoping he will realize that what we have is worth at least meeting. I would go there but I'd have to go in debt to do it and my instincts tell me this is about much more than just distance. He wouldn't meet me in the end even though we planned and I worked toward it for a good year. All of that constant reassurance and "I know how I feel" meant absolutely nothing in the end. I feel like I wasn't worth it, like I truly showed someone myself without any filters for the first time in my life and they didn't want me enough. Everyone just tells me that they knew it wasn't going to work and of course he's not coming back. I know I need to keep going forward, to stay in no contact for myself so I can heal, and I'm trying but I can't properly express how much pain I am in. How much of a failure I feel like I am and how rejected I feel. Knowing that I meant it every day when I told him he was the one for me, and in the end that he didn't feel that way for me regardless of how many times he said he did. Everyone has told me that it's for the best we didn't meet because this was just something he was going to do because he wasn't ready. That he built up the fantasy, it wasn't what he thought, and he snapped. All I can think was... did I do this? Was I too much? I fluctuate between it being my fault and believing that if you really love someone it's for the good times as well as the bad.

    So this is me trying to heal even though I have yet to completely process the whirlwind of the breakup. I wake up and lay in bed for at least an hour, replaying everything. I try not to but it's so terribly hard. I do plan to stay in no contact, as much as I don't wish any bad on him, I just can't stand to hear the details of him moving on when for the past year & a half I had every reason to think we'd be building something together.

    My advice to anyone who may be too scared to meet... meet anyway. I don't regret this relationship even though it has broken my heart, what I regret is that I will always have a question mark over us meeting. That I'll never know what it feels like to hold his hand or go to dinner with him. I have so many wonderful memories but none are physical and even if I knew I was going to get my heart broken, if I could re-do this.. I'd of met when he wanted to. Apparently when I wanted to he no longer wanted me enough. This was real for me, even if it wasn't for him. The feelings are real and I'm tired of people telling me it wasn't because we didn't meet. We talked every single day for hours for a year and a half... you may not build the physical side of a relationship, but the emotional/mental connection is very real. I hope you all have better luck than me.


      Of course it was real... Being dumped never feels great. Does not mean he doesn't have feelings for you. Not everyone can deal with distance, or long term relationships. Perhaps next time around will be better. All the best
      I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
      - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

      "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


        Hi, first of all welcome to LFAD! Second my god this was a really long post lol. I think this is the longest post I've seen on here. This deserves some sort of award lol.

        All joking aside, I want to say that your story really moved me. I couldn't help but get angry at this guy for you lol. Let me tell you something, you have done nothing wrong. This was all on him that this failed and you said it yourself.
        Everyone has told me that it's for the best we didn't meet because this was just something he was going to do because he wasn't ready. That he built up the fantasy, it wasn't what he thought, and he snapped.
        Whoever told you that I agree with them. It also seemed like you guys were moving way too fast and when your honeymoon phase ended, he opened his eyes to the reality that he just can't make this work right now. You say that he's 21 and that's still pretty young to be thinking about a full future together for some people.

        Also not everyone is cut out for an LDR. He probably thought he could in the beginning, but I guess reality sorta woke him up and made him realize that he couldn't. If you truly insist on waiting for him wait until he's grown up a bit, but I really don't think you should bother with him anymore. He's done enough damage to you and you deserve better than that. Good luck!


          At least you found out now and didn't go into debt over it. Self confidence has a big factor on relationships and guys have these issues as well as us ladies. Maybe seeing how well you were going loosing weight made his issues more apparent to him. Not saying that's your fault by any means but it may have made him more self conscious. Not saying what he did was right I just know from my experience that my guy friends are more body conscious than me. Still doesn't make it right, but I wish you all the best. I'd leave him be, give him the time he needs and maybe when he's ready he may contact you. If not, at least you have no regrets.


            I just want to say that you can be really proud of yourself for losing weight, improving your confidence and trying to heal. You're very strong, and I hope you try to let yourself see that.

            It'll take a lot more than words and guns
            A whole lot more than riches and muscle
            The hands of the many must join as one
            And together we'll cross the river


              On reading your posts I can see a few things that you should be proud of, you have sorted your life out and got out your rut of depression, you are fitter and healthier mentally and physically, and you know how to love yourself and some-one else.

              All those things mean that when you heal you can do the same again with the right person. I also had my heart broken - the person I knew as a friend for 3.5 years before we got involved in essence did the same thing to me, but she was crueller and withdrew her heart without telling me, until things all went horribly wrong for my mental state and that killed what little hope there was left of there being an 'us' - she since told me that the only thing she really wanted, was the one thing that I could not give - physicality. LDR's for some people are just not able to be done - nor is the whole upheaval to close the distance either, that is another *big* deal to overcome.

              I have done something similar to some-one else in the past to how your ex behaved, it hurt us both like hell, but I realised that I could not continue in the relationship with the person, even tho I loved them. 20years age gap and me being 24 at the time meant that it was just not what I wanted longer term - and it was exceptionally hard to tell the person that knowing how they would feel about me saying it too. But I knew I needed to do it than drag things out longer and then not be happy myself.

              Just so you don't think it is all doom and gloom, that person is my best friend still - we have been talking mostly daily via the net for over 10 years now, so once you do heal, if you are able to - reach out and retain the connection if you can, even if there is now nothing else romantic for it. Good friends are hard to come by after all.

              The last thing I wanted to say, is that the very nature of how you sorted yourself out, got stronger mentally and have done all the things that you needed to do for yourself, might have been part of what your ex is 'missing'. Some people like to look after people - to be the knight in shining armour as it were - and as soon as that was not needed as much, he didn't get as much back himself from the relationship. I am not saying that is the actual case, as I do not know, but more that there could be lots of factors that have influenced this, and that what he has said has not been lies - it was all true at the time. But now circumstances are different.

              I find that is the hardest thing not to dwell on in a breakup - so my advice here is to remember them in the past only, think of the happy times and moments, but do not apply them to today.... it was the past it has to stay there. If you can't help but reading it and feeling sad - then delete it or archive it so you can't easily torment yourself. It is what I did; accidentally, but actually it was for the best.

              Keep up the fitness and the going out, you'll get over this in time - don't allow yourself to get too low and you'll come out the other side ok.... Good luck!


                I am so sorry

                I can tell by your posts that the two of you truly love each other. It sounds to me that he really wanted to meet you but in the end he just gave up hope. He seems to still want to be with you but is just not wanting to try to make it work anymore. He says he can't resist you so you still own his heart. Its a shame that he has given up because what you two had sounds very special. Again, I am truly sorry. But maybe in time he will come back around and want to put back effort into this.

