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After two years together, back to the distance...

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    After two years together, back to the distance...

    Hello all!

    Me and my SO are going back to living on two continents after two years of living in the same apartment - the relationship started long distance and was like that for the first 1.5 years.

    Living with him has been just absolutely amazing. We were always sure we're perfect for each other, but living together was just sooooo much better, the relationship just grew stronger and stronger and we're still just as in love as ever (and more!). But, circumstances are taking us apart for one more academic year.

    I'm quite an emotional person to start with and this really gets me. I am trying to convince myself that we should be happy and enjoy it now, that we're still together, but the shadow of his departure is lurking above me and I can't help it! I'm having serious mood swings - from extremely happy to unconsolably sad and crying, all in matter of hours. I can't imagine what it will be like to go back to living apart after such a wonderful time we had together...

    Has anyone gone through a similar storyline and can share their experience with me? Is it worse to go back to the distance or easier, since we know it already? I have a feeling it might be much worse - now that I know how beautiful it is to always have him around!

    Even though I can't relate I'd focus on how much stronger you are together now and that'll help with the distance. Also think of how lucky you are to have been able to live together. Other members here can only dream of that. Maybe focusing on those positive will help a bit. Hang in there


      I did that with my ex, granted we only lived 40 mins away from each other, but it's still hard to go from not seeing them everyday, to living with them, and then back to not seeing them everyday. It sucked at first, but I got used to it again.

      You just have to remember that you guys already went through it once and made it work. Don't focus on the negative, just remember what you guys did before and keep it up.


        For me it was initially more difficult, but then easier. We started off close distance, then did long distance for a year, then we lived together for almost two years and got married, and now we!ve been long distance for more than 6months again. When he first left the second time around it was incredibly hard, just because I was used to falling asleep with him everyday. But after the first month or so, it turned out to be easier that the first time around. Mostly because I knew we could do it and felt more secure in our relationship. Just remind yourself of the reasons why you're doing this (I'm assuming a better education) and that you've done it before! Good luck! I know how you feel.


          Thanks everyone! This forum really helps When I'm discussing it with my friends, they all say they couldn't do it and how strong I am... It's wonderful to have a community of people that are all going through it (or have in the past) - it puts it all in perspective.

          I can remember very clearly how much yearning, missing, wishing he was by my side was involved in the distance. I love it how living together took away all the tension of having to make up for everything in 10 days (we didn't get to see each other very often - once every 4-5 months or so). We get along much better now, but I am also grateful for the time before that - it was such an intense experience to want someone so much. Being together was just as good as we both imagined and actually even better

          I just need to turn on my ratio sometimes and see it from the bigger picture. I am extremely lucky to have him in my life. It's just hard to not get completely swallowed in a storm of emotions and fears sometimes.


            this is really amazing that you had a chance to live with him for such a long time! and based on what you said you are going separate ways for education, which means LDR only for a while you'll be back together within a year, and think about that you may never need to go to distance again! best of luck with surviving the LDR, but the LFAD is here for you

