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What to do??

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    What to do??

    What do you do on those nights when you really miss your SO?? I miss Amanda sooo much and I can't wait to just have her in my arms again..
    My <3 is in Connecticut

    Call her on skype and read to her! *lopsided smile*

    But seriously, I tend to wallow in that feeling, drift around uselessly online and just wait it out. This is not good advice though, so don't do it.
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      im on skype with her right now lol but it just makes me want to be with her more
      My <3 is in Connecticut


        haha we're actually on skype right nowww!
        i miss you too babe, soo much it's insane

        i'm so excited for you to come, i can't wait, like i really can't wait

        it means so much to me that your coming here for my birthday, i can't thank you enough

        i love you! <3


          I know this feeling...almost a year of it...and he doesn't have webcam...just hearing his voice makes me miss him more and more.

          I keep myself busy..not losing who I am. I keep myself still taking care of me and doing the things I love...hobbies I have...I refuse to lose who I AM in this relationship...

          It will be ok.... We ALL understand...vent away...
          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


            Thought you two might be because of the dual posts down in that other section lol. You're simply too cute!
            Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


              I definitely know this feeling! The best thing I can say is to talk to your SO because that's what I do


                I've kept the AIM logs since when he first IMed me with his new S/N back in January and so when I miss his presence, I open up the (huge) file and just scroll to a random date or one I know by heart and read. I laugh, smile, sometimes I cry, but I relive the moments and I feel like he's there with me for a bit. Other times I find an empty dark room, mainly my bedroom, and sit and talk like he's in the room, I just can't see him. I try to push my imagination as far as it can go so I can feel like he's here for a moment or I'm wherever he might be whether it's at work or home.


                  My SO lives in completely opposite time zone as me, so often times when I miss him, he's asleep since it's the middle of the night. I usually reread some of our old conversations or recall experiences from our time together in May.

                  LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                    I know the feeling. It's been infuriating for the last 2+ weeks, as he doesn't have internet in his new house yet, and the internet at the hotel his company put him up in wasn't fast enough to Skype effectively.

                    He gave me a stuffed octopus right before the LD began and I hug that whenever I'm missing him especially much. It helps a little, just because of the gesture behind it.

                    If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                      My SO gave me a stuffed whale that I like to hug. It is my snuggle buddy.
                      First date: 12.27.09
                      Started the distance: 6.10.10
                      Finished the distance: 8.17.12

                      J & C


                        I do pretty much what everyone else said on here. I sometimes re-read old conversations that we had or, if he's able to skype, I'll skype with him. I have his stuffed bear from when he was a kid, so I usually hug that and cry when I miss him XD


                          Whenever it gets really hard i tend to do one of two things.....either do loads of overtime til im exhausted or spend lots of time alone watching dvds wearing my SOs hoodie looking at pics of us, but i do try to balance that out with spending time with my friends but my best friends is in the honeymoon phase of her new relationship so can be pretty awkward for me. But im lucky i get to text him loads everyday, first text every morning and last text every night. Also sometimes i find what really helps is a good cry lol

