My (more than a) friend was supposed to come visit me in July, since I visited him in February. We've been "planning" it since early March. But recently, we went through a rough patch; it affected us greatly, but we're trying to get through it. He had also lied about being able to afford the trip; he, irrationally, thought that I would not want to be with him anymore if he told me the truth that he was a bit broke at the moment because of Uni fees. The thing was, I was always telling him that if he can't afford it, it's absolutely okay and we can just wait until he can. But he still didn't take that chance to tell me, and continued to lie about it. He got too excited about seeing me again, that he didn't think realistically about what it takes to visit someone 2,000km away. After our rough patch, he eventually told me the truth, and so now the plans for July have been cancelled. What upset me the most was that he lied about it. But, it's also still a little disappointing that we now can't meet in July like we've planned for months.
Have plans ever fallen through with your LD partner? How did you manage to get through the disappointment, and remain positive about the future, even if your next visit wasn't clear yet?
Have plans ever fallen through with your LD partner? How did you manage to get through the disappointment, and remain positive about the future, even if your next visit wasn't clear yet?