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New to a LDR (its a bit long)

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    New to a LDR (its a bit long)

    Hi all, ive just joined the page

    Currently been with my boyfriend just for a couple of months, he lives in Derby and i live in Essex. 200 miles near enough apart. I have spent two separate weekends with him and we are constantly texting, we call each other every morning and night and sometimes Skype. So i spose we are still very much in the 'honeymoon' phase.
    I spent the weekend just gone with him up at his place and i just found it so hard to leave him....even tho we havnt been together very long my feelings towards him are very strong and i think his towards me are too.
    We have spoken about me moving up to his.....we live a very different lifestyle....i have two kids from a previous relationship and hes a guy who lives on his own that has a good social life and good friends and a good job that he loves....i know its really quick but id love to move closer to him im just worried about leaving my family and friends and starting a fresh life with he has been constantly in my head and i miss his touch so much....i hate the feeling im feeling coz im not with him...and yes i do realize im head over heels
    Just looking for other people to confirm that im not crazy for feeling like this i spose and for support for when im really missing him
    Thanks for reading
    Sallie x

    Originally posted by sallie27 View Post
    Currently been with my boyfriend just for a couple of months

    I have spent two separate weekends with him and we are constantly texting.

    So i spose we are still very much in the 'honeymoon' phase.

    We have spoken about me moving up to his

    id love to move closer to him
    I have been dating my SO just over 2 months, however we've been talking since January. Two months would definitely be too quick for my SO and me to begin talking about moving. We do not constantly text. We text in the morning, saying good morning to each other. And we talk on the phone in the evenings. Each of us share what happened during the day when we are on the phone in the evening. By not texting all day, we have things to discuss in the evening.

    Has he visited you? What's happening with your children while you visit him? Where are they during your visits? What are you doing in your life outside of the relationship with him? Do you have other friendships and are you developing your hobbies and interests?

    IMHO, the honeymoon phase is not a good place to be discussing a move. It's too early.


      Well he does work so there are breaks during the texting, he came and visited me first, my children have been staying with relatives whilst we have met up with each not currently working so i have nothing tying me down so to speak....i have friends round here and i met some of his mates at the weekend. We have loadsd to talk about on the phone still even tho we have been texting during the day. I know its too early for a move....we was just thinking long term i suppose

